Thursday, November 30, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #50) – Day #228

Date for Entry: (Thursday 30 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (December 2023)

[T1, W:13 – D:60, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn with one Georgian boy. One driver behind was impatient today. I met a white Christmas tree at the side of my desk. It took me the way all day long. I got signed in and my time sheet was filled out before time. Didn’t know if to go over to 2L or wait by my desk.

    After waiting, Dr Blandin called me into her office and asked if I was willing to supervise the second session today for Food and Nutrition. It would be a two-hour exam starting from 11:00 AM. Since it was Miss Daniels’ exam, I decided to take it since she did a favour for my department during the previous term’s final exam. I began to feel left out because I was beginning to hear that there was going to be a staff meeting during the time of the exam.

    I went over to Block K immediately with my bag and met Miss Jones in the lobby area. She was waiting to see who was coming for supervision. I got the 2L papers from her and got the class to start one time. She said that the exam was to be for an hour and a half and that it was right to end earlier if everyone else was over early. There was a long wait for six people to finish. During that long wait, five students were asked to use the washroom and returned. We heard Miss Jones from 2F behind the wall trying to settle the children during the exam.

    At the end of the exam, at 11:55 PM, I asked the students to put their writing materials back into their pockets and vacate the building with their bags once their paper was taken. I collected papers by the columns. Only Seline remained. Miss Jones saw the class was empty but she jumped seeing Seline remaining to check through her work and went back outside. It reminded me of myself during the ABRSM exams at George’s Form 1 classroom. She only needed three more minutes and then Miss Jones came to collect the papers from me. Seemed as though 2M had already finished theirs.

    During recess, I went to the washroom and got some parts of my desk cleared up. I had already notified Miss Daniels at the doors of Block K this morning that I would do the supervision got the exam. I went to her in the staffroom and she showed me the papers. I took them into my bags after she ran through what was supposed to be done. When it was 10:45, I went to her to let her know that it was time to go over to the classroom. Shwe wrote out the time to start and end on the board and distributed the papers. One student was found cheating.

    A lot of noise occurred outside by Form 1s and 2s. There was a fight I saw too from out the large windows. I saw that the staff meeting was going on still while closing the door properly. The test was over in the last thirty minutes before the full duration. Everyone handed up their papers. The staff meeting was still going on.

    I wanted to go in but “Mr Williams” found me on the side and asked me for the recorder assessment. A lot of Form 1 students were coming in the background. I had him sit by the white bench with my book stand and they waited in the corridor. I saw Miss Harris coming late with the food that she was asking for people to buy the curry.

    The Third session started sometime after. I was finished late and then “Reeba” came to the office. He told me that they were short on my two exam papers. The machine was slow and then they mixed up some of the papers. I had to get it stapled. I gave “Reeba” my stapler when the office stapler crashed on itself and praise God Crystal helped me staple some. My head was all over the place. Miss Harris then asked “Reeba” to give Miss Roberts her box of food.

    As we left the office, he went running and the box fell out of his hands. I went hurrying like Mama doing the corridor. I couldn’t run that quick like him and got to Block K. One of the Form 3 boys that I had a babysitter when Roberts did not come to school said, “Sir, dah tes’ is garbage!” In truth, I did not even get to see what the Form 3 paper looked like. I just hope he studied enough.

    To my horrid surprise, the students in 1F were not there except for the students who were doing the arts. I wondered where they could have been. The door for 1L was closed and Mr Bain was inside. I looked in 1M and it was scary seeing all those children inside. Miss Gittens was marking papers by the teacher’s table. I was giving her the extra papers. She said that she would watch over all of the Form 1s and that I could go and grade papers if I had any to do.

    I went back to the office and sat in the Block K staffroom to do so. “Mr Marlon” came back later and got one class finished while waiting for Miss to finish. Some nice conversations occurred. Everyone filed out of the room at the end of school and Dana came in later. She got her curry. I had to warn her about the break in the box before it fell. Seemed as if Miss had forgotten me after the exam.

    I went back to Block C when my bags were packed and went back to grading papers. She told me that she had to go and make a sign for someone quickly and it did take some time to make. It was nice to be among the teachers in both staffrooms for the day. Donna was there with us late into the evening before she left. She was organising to purchase food from a catering that Susan was buying for her Form class. She offered to buy lunch for me on the day of the class parties but I told her she didn’t have too. She had insisted.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 4:59 pm)

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