Monday, November 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #50) – Day #225

Date for Entry: (Monday 27 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 12 December 2023)

[T1, W:13 – D:57, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got up as soon as Daddy tapped the glass window. I got the computer turned on and got the charts WhatsApp to the Form 1 and 2 chats. Last night the current went for a long time and it was too late in the night to send them. Nathaniel and Nathan got theirs to send to 2M. I got to school late with gas. I didn’t eat because the exam was about to begin and I was supposed to Supervise an English Exam that morning.

    I met Miss Libert in the Block K staffroom. Me and “Maria” were late. Miss Libert walked me over to 1F and she told me that I could begin the exam one time. Mrs Santana said that the exam should not be more than one and a half hours. As soon as Mrs Pope walked out the door, I got the children the papers and began the exam. I kept in mind that 10:20 AM should be the end of the exam’s duration.

    Hunger took me the entire time of the exam and had to wait to use the washroom. The students were not told that they were responsible for getting their papers. Students were allowed to get paper from a notebook in their bag one at a time. I walked each student to their bag and tore the pages out myself. Once the exam was over, Column by column was dismissed. The students were asked to take their bags and vacate the building. Packing their bags in class was not allowed. The papers were delivered to Miss Libert’s desk.

    I went to eat my potato pie after. It was a triangle in shape. I didn’t pay attention to the man and lady watching me in the waiting area. They were both gone by the time I began to unstapled my favourite project submissions from Form 1s and 2s for photocopying. This time around I decided to make copies of my favourite ones and bind them into souvenir books. I ended up standing like a zombie by the printing machine for the papers to finish print. The tiredness was real.

    Before my copies were done, Jeanice gave me the Visual Arts papers for 2M this evening. I left the copies on my desk and went to make the Form 1 project copies. All of the projects were stapled and returned to their folders after school. The time ran out when students came to do practical assessments. Lunchtime also crept up on me by surprise. I Aleah, and Kenya when they came to the office. was greeted by Ari, “Kate”. I felt lost today too because I left my pencil case home.

    I got to 2M late with the practical assessments by seven minutes. I got the students ready and we got the exam completed. The test was over five minutes before school was dismissed. The children were all laughing at their Grinch drawing. Coming back down to the bus shuttle area, I gave Miss Gittens the 2M papers and went to the office. Was more zombie than this morning.

    In the staffroom, I had my second pie and graded three more projects before leaving school. Miss was marking her final Form 2 papers and Susan was stapling papers for tomorrow. “Maria” was grading essays at her desk. We left school last. I got Samuel’s project from the office to take home with me and Jeanice called me out before I walked out.

    Had a nice evening playing chess with Sanjay in the library, after leaving the 2M papers with Miss. He had to leave and that was the end of our seriously difficult game. It was a while since I last played it. We played over the chess app on his phone. That was my first attempt using Saw some of my 1L students playing and running about. I got someone’s number to send them pictures of charts and other information for their final exam.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:45 pm)

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