Tuesday, November 21, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #49) – Day #221

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 21 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (December 2023)

[T1, W:12 – D:53, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came with one maxi. A day came out behind me and Deon was in another in front. I saw Miss Chote in the office. I felt like I was lucky when Abigail came in. I asked to beg if 1F could have gathered back in class at 12:30.

    When I met her at my entrance in Block K, she said that she forgot to tell the children. I had class with 1M first and it was a long session. We got through with the first two recorder exercises during those two periods. Janessa was late for 1F. I passed by to write a message on the board to remind the students to return at 12:30 pm. Some of them were still coming from Woodworks.

    I returned to the office and got some more projects from 2F graded. Some of the Form 1 projects were also graded. At this point, the projects were corrected, marked and graded as they were in the heap. I went over to Block K at lunchtime with my umbrella again. Rain began to pour down heavily and I waited a while. Only a few students remained in the 1F classroom. I worked with the students who were there and lunchtime was over before we knew it.

    In time for the lineup to re-enter the classrooms, the Forms 1s were kept outside for making noise during all recess in the corridors. I stood in the 1L Boys’ line at the back and waited. It took a very long for them to get inside. They also had to wait for the students responsible for sweeping the classroom for the day to finish, then roll call and then I could enter. Mr Marlon greeted me as I was about to wait by the door and he rolled back on his chair into the staffroom.

    1L did the same thing as 1M this morning for the double period. There were three students to attempted the practical assessment that evening in the final ten minutes before school to over. The practical slips for Forms 1 and 2 were with me. I preferred to do the Form 2 assessment more. Not sure if it was because I liked the Music Theory trivia questions. Only one more project was submitted this afternoon too. “GG” was talking too much and too loudly. Couldn’t focus too much.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:07 am – 4:28 pm)

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