Wednesday, November 15, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #48) – Day #218

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 15 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 09 December 2023)

[T1, W:11 – D:50, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    Too much rain fell this morning. Got soaked with Daddy. He couldn’t buy his doubles again. There was a money manager in the maxi for the driver and both men spoke on walkie-talkies. The rain got to stop but I kept it open just in case. It was nice that a lady in her car stopped for me to cross the road. Crystal was there already in school.

    I got my Form 1 test printed last minute. The printer started to send the black lines out. One student in Form 1M got a paper with one of the lines. He had to write over his answers. The 1F students were small in number. I gave Vishmul the new recorder that I had bought for him while waiting for Dr Blandin-Maharaj to exit the classroom and told him to throw away the older one. Zidane and Mr Hosein were play-dancing in the corridor.

    I sat back at my desk after recess to grade the papers. I got all of them completed. Kelis spoke with me during recess. She was scared about missing choir practice. Then Miss Roberts showed up late minutes to lunch and made noise in the office with “Tia” and Harry. Didn’t see her again today. Miss Ali was sitting by “DDs” desk and chatting with Kiel. She was asking me from across the room what I was wearing to the Achievement Day event tomorrow. I didn’t know that we had to even come to it.

    I had my class with 2F and we corrected the scales homework. They were given the topics for the final exam. Pictures from today’s work were also sent to their Parents’ WhatsApp group. I did some more Bases with Sanjay until his parents came for him. I travelled to Curepe again. Not sure if Susan went down with the shuttle again. I didn’t get to do the names in the mark book for “Maria” as planned today.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 3:29 pm)

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