Thursday, November 23, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #49) – Day #223

Date for Entry: (Thursday 23 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 11 December 2023)

[T1, W:12 – D:5, (Td:5)*].

**Jenny's cardboard flower

Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn late this morning., Went to bed after one. Crystal was in the same maxi and I told her about what happened with marking projects last night on our way on the road to the campus. I had my pie and then went off to Block K. Some children from 1M were loud and chatty. I had to wait for Miss Chote to come out again. Two students did the practical in the last few minutes before class ended. I only remembered to pack the Form 2 cause I knew they’d have the exam.

    I waited in the same Block K staffroom for recess to finish. I went through Facebook until it was time for class again with 2L. Students were out by the door buying Subway cookies from the footballers. My bags were stuffed with books, exam papers, and Form 1 and 2 practical assessment slips. I gave them one minute to finish the cookies. They had to be yelled up while the exam papers were being distributed. Only one student did the practical conducting in the last ten minutes.

    I spoke with “Nicole” outside the art room. Everyone was outside while they were bug-spraying the room. Strangely the compound was beginning to be filled with a lot of flies. Two flies came into the office and were starting the others in the admin section. No one else came for the practical assessment during lunchtime.

    After lunch, a lady came to see Miss Pope. She had to wait. I messaged her to let her know that the lady was there and had a quick check by her desk. I took the time to make over another time signature description chart. I felt like my choice of colours was not good. They came out too dark and I did not have all of my colours with me.

    I did not work on the papers from 2L until after school. I was happy for Susan’s daughter. She had finally accomplished what she had set out to do. We went for a ride that evening too into Valpark. We got lost in all of the back roads until the road to the highway was met. Real nice adventure, lol. I got all of 2L’s papers graded and corrected. I had a bible study session with Aunty and Uncle. It was late and felt tired in the night.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(9:10 am – 4:20 pm)

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