Monday, November 6, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #47) – Day #212

Date for Entry: (Monday 06 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 13 November 2023)

[T1, W:10 – D:44, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    Late start today. “Shiraz” was the driver. I came with Zalia and her colleague. The new OJTs were there alone today in the office. They signed early. Ate my pie. I did the homework for all topics with 1F for all the topics that we did so far. I did not do the note conversion worksheet instead. This took the full double period while a review of the topics was being done. They were given the quavers note conversion to be done instead.

    At recess, I want to staffroom. I wanted to do another test for Form 2s but worked on the major scales lesson for 2F today instead. Susan gave me a Red book from her form class that got there by accident. One of the 1F boys told me this morning that he did not get back his book. It belonged to the same boy and I returned it at lunchtime.

    At lunchtime, Ameer came to submit but when I got to my desk with him, there were some missing parts to the project. I had to send him back with it. A boy and a girl came with me to the office to do a make-up test on note components. I was expecting some more students to come. I found the other one sitting outside and forgot to do the test. I wished I could have made him get the extra mark to make the total.

    I had 2F in the evening. They were a small number. Got the major scale lesson completed. We took the final twenty minutes of class drafting out the in-class exercises. Six grand staves. They did not remember to bring the manuscript books to class. I just really hope that they do the homework and make the effort.

    After the shuttle, Susan and I were sitting in the staffroom and talking about our classes being stolen by the staff meeting during the fourth and fifth periods and the Diwali programme taking the seventh and eighth periods. 

    The Diwali programme was supposed to start at 1 PM tomorrow. Not sure why the programme was being done so early and not on Friday. Miss Gittens said that she would not be able to make it tomorrow. I hoped Nadara find my outfit too. Spoke with her from the bridge before going home.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:15 am – 4:43 pm)

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