Tuesday, November 14, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #48) – Day #217

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 14 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 09 December 2023)

[T1, W:11 – D:49, (Td:6)*].

**Sweets from MRs Ramshingh

Dear Diary,

    Yesterday was no school because of the Diwali holiday. I was late to school. Had to go to the stationary store. I ate first and then did the staple work. That was the plan but I wanted my papers to print since Miss Ali was free. Five boys and 3 girls from 1 M came to submit their projects during recess. I sat down and did the stapling one time. Got a lovely bag from Mrs Ramsingh with sweets from Diwali. The patterns on the bag were nice.

    At lunchtime, 5 Boys and 6 Girls from 1L came to submit. They came from Block K the long way and met me in the corridor after leaving the Visual Arts room. Miss Roberts came to me at my desk. She asked me about the paper that she left for me to do with the classes. I told her that I only did one class on Thursday and that was it. She did not specify if it was a practice or coursework or what to do with it. She got upset and darted off again.

    After lunch, I made envelopes for the final exam papers out of long half-sized Bristol board sheets. Thank God the idea came to me and worked. I still placed rubber bands around their papers to hold everything together for proper storage and improper handling. More students from 1M came to submit. Still none from 1F.

    Mrs Sawh gave me a block of Barfi during the seventh period while making a chart for the Form 2s on describing time signatures. It took her by complete surprise when I hated the whole thing in one bite. We had a nice laugh. I was feeling unsure about the description for the ‘three-eight’ time signature. I knew I learned it one way and then the UWI teacher insisted it was Simple Duple.

    Susan told me after school that “Maria” was not there. My eyes seemed to hurt in the evening. I had one from 1L. I met “Ace” and “Burnie” back at the office after school. Janessa asked about this online journal and how it worked. I only got to tell her about the music one and not the DAPHA Projects one. Hope she reads it soon.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(10:12 am – 3:11 pm)

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