Thursday, November 9, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #47) – Day #215

Date for Entry: (Thursday 09 November 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15 November 2023)

[T1, W:10 – D:47, (Td:4)*].

** Papered book

Dear Diary,

    I came with one Georgian this morning in the maxi. I had a hot pee to hold since we were on the road leaving home. I got my pie done and went to Block K to wait for class with 2L. Miss Gittens was coming over while I waited. A small number in attendance again. Full notes for major scales were given and then they constructed the grand staves for their homework.

    On my way back to the office, someone told me that they saw a short portion of my performance. They told me that ‘Doctor’ was the one who had hit on her WhatsApp status. I met her before she left with Candice. Candice told Miss Ali that she should let me see about the teachers’ attendance register since that is my expertise. She was having trouble to paper it.

    When I got up from the desk to see it, I realised that I had forgotten to paper it and remind them that they were going to need a new book. When I got the book, I saw that she used the back of a sheet in a large desk calendar. I appreciated that she tried.

    When I asked how come she was papering it now she said that Dr Blanding didn’t want the white cover of the book to get dirty. I explained to her first and then to Dr Blandin that the paper usually gets wrapped up when teachers fling the pagers through. Not all are carrying with the handling of the document and it was better to paper the book afterwards before it goes into storage. She was okay with that and I took over the calendar paper.

    There were two more sheets of brown paper that I had. They did not have scotch tape. Usually, I would have to meet some teachers coming to sign for the evening and I would have to stop for them to get the book to sign. They did not have scotch tape in the office but only masking tape. I used that I sat by the computer in the Admin section of the office doing this. I had to stand because the chair was too low for me to sit and do that work.

    While finishing up, “Varry”, “Ace” and “Burnie” came inside. Surprisingly, they came to visit me. “Ace,” said that they had come to see me and that they came to ask if they could go through time signatures. I had them sit in the waiting area by the time and then I got my brown table out. I got scrap paper to write on and my pencil case. My chair was pulled to the side and then we began. I had “Burnie” sit in the middle since he needed the help.

    We reviewed the time signatures, the meaning and then the note represented by the lower numbers. The time was cut for recess and I had to let them go. They met me back at lunchtime. The office was a bit filled. Luckily, we found a wide circular table outside in the corridors and did class there until the end of lunch. It was about 1:17 PM when we finished. The lunchtime session was to write everything, describe time signatures and go through some questions from the first practice test they had done before.

    I had 2M after lunch. I waited for Mrs Jaikaran to finish attendance and then went inside the teacher. That double period was to correct and teach the major scale homework. I would say it is taught since some of the children don’t do their homework. I’m glad that the class went well. I’m just hoping that the children will remember how to do it. I had Seth, Sajid, Suvir and Shiv sit in front with their chairs. Too much talking was coming to them. I had forgotten to take attendance when school was over. Some of them signed and the list of names on the register was used as it was.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:03 am – 4:13 pm)

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