Friday, December 1, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #50) – Day #229

Date for Entry: (Friday 01 December 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (December 2023)

[T1, W:13 – D:61, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came along to Valsayn and signed. It took me forever to finish writing out yesterday’s entry before eating and starting today’s journal entry. I will take the weekend to get over my distress about both my exams being done on the same day.

    I saw Mr Pierre going through Mr Bains’ exam papers. Probably there was a mix-up with the papers. Miss Santana was arguing with Dr Blandin about something at the same time. There was another argument about no one in the office to do printing early in the morning as usual too.

    I continued to work on something else and finished a test in the staffroom. The Form 2 review exam for the term was done by that time. I had started the first question for the Form 1. These exams would be supervised during the first week of the next term. I had some students come to do practical assessments during lunchtime. Had no idea that lunchtime came so quickly.

    All the practical assessments were done from then until directly after school. If there was anyone else coming to do Practical they were given the opportunity once I was still in the office and not left with my bags for the staffroom. “Jay” waited with me the whole evening. He was ashamed to do this conducting everyone all of the passers-by in the corridor.

    Seth came to do practical. I wished I had let him do his before the rest of the Form 1s. His driver came and he had to leave early. He said that he wasn’t gonna come back to school until the new year. He said he might have had to take zero and that would have been the case anyway.

    I saw Kevin after leaving the office too. He said Monday and I hope that Monday comes too. Today I wished I had listened to my idea and sat at my brown table outside. All the children would have seen me outside if they had passed. That office could be a place you don’t wanna be in sometimes.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:41 pm)

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