Tuesday, December 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #51) – Day #231

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 05 December 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (December 2023)

[T1, W:14 – D:63, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came late today. There was a yummy driver today too. There was a long period in the office. I worked on the test papers that I had set aside for the teachers and then I got it delivered to the two staffrooms in my tray. This was the day that an entire 3 quarters and more of the staff teachers stayed home for probably either last-minute or coursework marking, long final papers marking and uploading of marks. The deadline was drawing nearer and everyone felt stressed about it.

    Miss Mustapha and other teachers had to wait to see if they had gotten approval for their beach cleaning field trip and then some teachers had to remain back in school because of the short number of students to supervise the students present on the compound. Not many Deans either were about except Mrs Brown. Dr Blandin had kept back two Form 1 boys that I taught in the office for running and she didn’t take their explanation.

    While I stayed in the office, I had the Form 1 paper completed. It was easier to make than Form 2 in terms of the time required to make it. The practical was not much. I decided to make a spin in the compound with my bookstand and slips. I got one student from 2F and four from 2L to do the test. Kevin and Suvir were busy playing they didn’t do their coursework. The breeze was nice outside by the mini savannah.

    I went back to the staffroom to finalise the marks in my mark book. “Mr Christian” sat with me in the back of the staffroom entering his marks too. Only after school, Shiva came to tell me that two students were looking for me to do their practical assessment. He said, “Uh know, Mr Ali, in this industry 2:30 in home time, yuh know.” I said, “Not for me, honey. That’s for the regular people.” I got my laptop logged off and went outside to meet them.

    They got chairs and sat near the old 1F classroom and I brought my bookstand with the Form 1 slips. A girl came with him to do the practical too. She went first because she had to go quickly. She gave a hard attempt but it was not so good. She left her manuscript with Riley and he did his assessment after. We had a good chat before he left.

    I went to pack my bags and move back to the staffroom where I entered their marks and those last-minute ones from today. I got the marks finalised and praise God Isekel was still there to help me email it off to Miss Roberts. However, she was ‘confused’ and now that took the rest of the evening into a curious situation.

    Had to speak with Mis Patel for assistance and she said she would speak to admin for me. Miss, “Maria” and I were back late in the staffroom. A man needed help making a box bass Miss was entering marks and it was nice that “Maria” was enjoying her first trial of using my mark book. She seemed to have less work to do with it and I was happy that my creation was able to make life easier for another teacher as the ideas were.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:30 am – 6:32 pm)

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