Wednesday, May 24, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #31) – Day #139

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 24 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 04 June 2023)

[T3, W:06: – D:27, (Td:04)*].

**Recorder assessment

Dear Diary,

    Came down in the maxi with two Georgians this morning. The driver gave a gospel and danced from his seat and sang to it. Then a new song “Murderer” was the main word in the next song. “Rock” was angry when the bell rang late to stop. I had a nice chat with Miss Jones in the corridor to the office. She said that she came looking for me yesterday. While getting into the office, Miss Santana and I spoke for some time. She said that she would try to come by later for lunchtime.

    During the remainder of the day, I write to do the writing for the charts with the marker that I did not remember to bring on Monday. However, I realised that I needed Mommy’s ruler to draw the staff lines. I suppose tomorrow would have to do. I decided to leave space for the staff lines and pencil in the notation for tomorrow.

    Miss Roberts had the hall set for the fashion show today. The office was not ideal and I did not want to make noise in the staffroom so I went to the conference room to do some work. I tried to work on the song for Miss Jones. I got into the middle of the chorus.

    I got tired of working on the song quickly. “Jahagi Bai” was not easy to write out. I had to write to John and tell him that I couldn’t make it. Since Monday he messaged me and it was not enough time to work on it for Friday. I only got a piece of the introduction and the rest would have been a lot of work for the short space of time.

    Heading back to the office I was not sure what to teach the Form 1s. Miss Roberts did not send anything. They needed a test. I had a class with 1L and they were too noisy. After forcing myself to keep up that day, I let loose and yelled out in frustration and the eraser almost fractured.

    I had two lines of notation in common time written on the board. The students were asked to copy it into their manuscript book and label the pitches. They took some time to complete the exercise before we corrected it together. I then explained the time signature and rests used. And showed them the fingers used to create the pith B.

    During the evening time, after school, I went through a drawing in the office. Ms Didier and I had a good laugh about the condition. I took the time to complete a timesheet ahead of time for next week’s submission.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 4:38 pm)

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