Tuesday, May 2, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #28) – Day #124

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 02 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 07 April 2023)

[T3, W:03 – D:12*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came with the Safety Officer and Dr Blandin in the front seat. When we got out, Dr Blandin went off speeding. The officer and I heard a loud horn and it was the principal. He got in but I continued walking. I didn’t see who the person was until they got into the compound. She knew how to mash that accelerator well. I loved the speed the car went off in. There was no email for the staff meeting today except for me hearing Miss Chote reminding the Safety Officer as I was having breakfast.

    That morning, I went to help Miss with the envelopes for the Visual Arts submissions that were due later this week. This was the second period after teaching 1M. She had groups of two sheets of Bristol boards stapled together. I took my yard tick that I bought that same morning and began to draw in the lines. There were eight of them.

    By the time I was finishing the fifth envelope, the second batch from 1M came in for the Visual Arts class. This was during the first two periods. I went to have a breakdown in the office and returned to do the last three envelopes. Miss had written in the heading in green ink and the rest were done by me. We realised that more envelopes had to be done later that evening when she wrote out the number of items that had to be submitted.

    I went to the ‘music room’ for 2Fs class. Then after recess was the staff meeting. It was long and very confusing in some ways. Some of the topics were the Career Day for the Form 3s and that they would be split into groups of six. They would have to move the Form 1s to Block K for classrooms to be used by the various entities coming into the school to speak to the students on Friday. We also learned that Parents’ Day for the Form 1s would be pushed up to tomorrow. I was not expecting that to happen. It got me more nervous.

    The Safety Officer tried to speak on the Bomb Scare last Friday but it was cut for a wildlife discussion. I thought that the snakes the other teachers were talking about were large ones. The meeting was side-tracked and wasted. All the teachers left the library and lunch for us was given until 1:30 pm.

    A Universal challenge came to me from Miss Patel while I sat in the staffroom to cool off. It took me less than ten minutes in all to complete this form in the staffroom and at home (about minutes to twelve). I had a video call from Andrew to go through some of the ties that he had for me to put on for Parents’ Day tomorrow. In my mind, I was shown a green shirt with black pants and a tie. I didn’t see which kind of tie it was so that was up to my choosing. Some of the students still were concerned about me getting to come to the meeting. I too did not know if Miss Roberts would do it herself.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 4:39 pm)

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