Friday, May 12, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #29) – Day #132

Date for Entry: (Friday 12 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13 May 2023)

[T3, W:04 – D:20, (Td:02)*].

Dear Diary,

    I saw Sadie in the maxi this morning. ‘Musician’ was the driver and the sky was very cloudy. I hoped it did not break down on me while walking in. I had breakfast in the kitchen with Miss Didier and she told me that she ran away to have breakfast before everyone piled her up with work to do. I had 1L and because I was running late, the Religious Education period this morning bought me some time. They were noisy to finish in the music room. No sign of Miss Roberts again all morning.

    Coming back to the office, I saw Miss Lawson and I gave a slip of scrap paper for her to write out the classes she taught. She wanted to use the mark book that made. We spoke a little and were then joined by Miss Trail at the drive-in. Miss Gittens came out of the office and told me that she was in a meeting and that the meeting for VAPA was about to start.

    We both walked up to Miss Jones’ Theatre Arts classroom. It was very hot and she told me that the air-conditioning was not working. We spoke for some short minutes while waiting for Miss Gittens. As soon as our opening prayer finished, we had to move to a concrete bench in the corridor because three gentlemen came to do a diagnostic on the air-conditioning in Miss Jones’ room. I went to get my table from the office for us to use.

    The meeting went on through recess and all of the fifth period. Mr Bain came into the compound at the end and while we were talking to Miss Mary, Miss Gittens asked about anything for the Mother’s Day celebration. We both didn’t know anything about it. She asked him to ‘rope’ me in to help them. I got my stuff back into the office and met back sir with Mr Pierre, they learned that I’m a steelpan musician. Mr Bain told me that there was a song that he had planned. I had to go back and get my books and pan sticks from the office.

    We went to the music room and I realised the song would take a longer time for me to do. It was called “Tennessee Whiskey.” We tried the djembe and I helped him figure out the rhythm used from the song. It was short and easy to learn and when he tried singing the song while I played the rhythm, we both liked it a lot. I gave him my notebook to write out the lyrics and he worked on the rest.

    We walked down to the library and many of the female teachers were gathering around. They were already being served food. I helped other male teachers serve. Mr Martin and I handled the ice cream and I lent them my tray for the serving. Abigail was the first performer. Mr Bain’s performance was the last part of the little function. Everyone seemed happier to see the two of us performing. I had a good lot of conversations with Mr Martin and Mr Raymond.

    Mr Martin and I stayed back after everyone left to clean up the library and the food table that we prepared everything during the little celebration. I knew that I was very late for my class with 1F. I went to wash out my tray and the empty ice cream bucket. I got dishwashing soap to clean them out properly. I got my things from the office and had the children start to fill out the attendance, while I went to get my bags from the music room. Miss Roberts asked if I taught the Form 3 lesson. She looked to get vexed when I said no.

    I hurried back to 1F and delivered the lesson. It was 1:19 that I began teaching. We did not get to do the listening exercise that I did with 1L earlier this week. I feel that I have to make a recording of the exercise and let them try it from Google Classroom.


  • “Tennessee Whiskey” – YouTube Recording.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 3:57 pm)

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