Tuesday, May 16, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #134

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 16 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:22, (Td:04)*].


Dear Diary,

    There was a new driver today. I also tried the second doubles people this morning. It was a little better than the previous one. Miss Harris was there in the kitchen too. I met a banana on my desk and it made me very creepy. I did not have classes in the morning so I went to the staffroom and or three plans for charts completed within that short space of time.

    The fourth was started in the office. Somehow, I could have felt listening to “Worthy is the Lamb” when I worked on it. That was the song my mind chose and made me feel to play. Since other people usually made noise in the office, I got my phone out and played it from YouTube on my cell phone. I got a message from Miss Gittens asking me to come to the art room.

    When I got there, she asked if Miss Roberts and I said no because I saw that the car was not there. I was told that Miss Roberts had made a complaint against me and that she asked for a meeting with me and Miss Gittens. I waited there until recess time working on the fourth chart plan and had time to work on the beginning of another exam while waiting. 

    Miss Gittens continued to do her paperwork until the end of recess. She had homeroom to do. Not sure what that was about. Some time had gone when Jeanine left. I did not know when exactly. As I was left alone in the art room too look after it, 

    I went to the ‘specialist’ room and got my lesson plans in order on the laptop because I had the new tones and semitones lesson to give to 1L later that afternoon. They were very tough to go through. Not many students were there in class but I sent the notes on the board for them to copy. I was very proud of Aiden because he understood the topic.


  • “Worthy is the Lamb".

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:37 am – 3:09 pm)

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