Thursday, May 18, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #136

Date for Entry: (Thursday 18 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 21 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:24*, (Td:06)*].

Dear Diary,

    I saw ‘Shiraz’ waiting but the other driver offered me a ride. Seating was not so good since it was the door seat but the Mast of Compromises had to work in me. Met up with Miss Panchu and Mr Shiva. Crystal came in and signed the logbook right after me. I had breakfast at my desk and had some waiting for printing. I really hoped for a good day again. Miss Roberts came and I had to review two different classes with Tones and Semitones.

    I helped Miss with delivering the art sculptures done yesterday evening. They were packaged and labelled right after the exam. I was able to do and finish the plan for my Accidentals and Tones and Semitones exam on paper. Once I was done, I went to the staffroom to start the Intervals and Tonic Triads exam. Problems with the air conditioning temperature arose. Miss Harris was angry again because the principal made her go to apologise to the guards. ‘Doctor’ shared what happened to Miss Chote in anger.

    During lunchtime, I helped Aliyah with the Ties & Slurs lesson and the Accidentals. We were soon joined by ‘Vanna’, Seth and ‘Jenny’. I didn’t think I would have been able to make it to school the next day so I went to tell the students in 1M about my possible absence for the next morning and that they would have to copy the lesson notes from the Google classroom. I gave ‘Vanna’ a copy of the attendance receipt to keep. There were plans to go to Street Ministry on Charlotte Street. The topic that evening was about good and bad connections. Deliverance was given.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:12 pm)

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