Friday, May 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #28) – Day #127

 Date for Entry: (Friday 05 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 07 April 2023)

[T3, W:03 – D:15*].

Dear Diary,

    One Georgian was in the maxi this morning. The Form 1s were moved to Block K. There was Religious Education going on again and it took up the entire first period. The students were finishing up at different times I had to wait for them to come in or the singing would have been interrupted. There was enough time to write the date (done in Spanish), the topic and the short composition that I came up with.

    I tapped the pulse with the head of my marker on the teacher’s table and asked the students to tap their laps to follow it. The first round was done steady and the second was sped up or slowed down. They were able to identify the unsteady pulse. I gave them the note but time ran out and everyone rushed out to get to their next class. I was a bit disappointed but glad that this was one of the more smarter class to figure it out.

    For the rest of the day, I only saw Miss Gittens in the art room after chatting with Miss Jones. I was appreciative for the opportunity since we don’t speak that much. I left to go back to the music room because it was unattended. Three lesson plans were done during periods three to five. Miss Mary and I had a nice chat during lunchtime. I got to show her the pictures from Parents’ Day.

    The passed by the hall on lunchtime to see what I could see. It was still full but everyone was on lunch when I entered. I went to see Miss Didier in the office after and she was having lunch and she was shocked when she found out that she walked out on me yesterday.

    Same time, Miss Patel came in the space excited to tell me that Miss Chote gave them permission to use the form that I made. She had a few copies in her hands but then I told her that I had put in the name of the form. She showed me it and asked me what she should do. I suggested to keep the forms and use the new one when she needed to save the paper. She instead wated until the end of school for Miss Didier and I to go through the new forms in the school email.

    I helped out some of the students for the steelband rehearsal. Did not know the lady with them but I had the feeling she was the also the arranger. The session ended sooner and the children were still coming to practice. I waited and waited for 2L to come down to the music room. I even had time to slowly take my time to walk all the way to Block K and back. Mr Hoyte had forgotten his folder in class. Miss Roberts had just so decided to show up to school some long minutes into her class time. She had me write out the exercise on the board and then would take over after.

    I left the music room before home time bell called to go to the office. I did not see Miss Gittens return to school. Miss Didier waited until school overed to see about the forms I had made and to do replacements within the file in her desktop computer. She was very tired but I was glad all the forms were now all available. I met Miss Patel in the staffroom for my evening cool off and when I told her that it was ready in the office for printing I left to go home.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 3:20 pm)

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