Friday, May 19, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #137

 Date for Entry: (Friday 19 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 21 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:25, (Td:01)*].

Dear Diary,

    Two Georgians in the maxi this morning. Saw ‘Zack’ from 1M sitting and writing an incident report by my desk this morning. I had asked Artee to send the students to the music room after they had their roll call. The topic for 1M was tones and semitones and they ended up leaving class early. As soon as I gave the lesson, I gave ‘Vanna’ and Seth a chance to share their understanding of the topic since I knew that it was a hard topic.

    Miss Mary and her supervisor told me I looked young in my T-shirt and track pants. I had breakfast outside and a small granola bar. I thought that 2M students did not come. When I got up to their classroom, it was the second period finishing.

    I decided to teach the major scales lesson in their class. We took the full period for the lesson. I was also given the name of a nice song I taught that would be a nice practice for transcribing rhythm from one of the boys in class. I gave them practice in the major scales: A, Bb and Eb. It was a mixture of treble and bass staves. Two were ascending and the third was descending.

    During recess, I  took my stuff from the music room and went to the office after locking up. I went to the ‘specialist’ room to do some typing on the laptop. It was not until 1:25 in the afternoon that I was able to finish typing two exams: (1) Accidentals & Tones and Semitones, and (2) Slur and Ties. All of the music-notated graphic work was done. I did not even realise that the entire lunchtime finished while I was working in that hot room. The air-conditioning was only working like a fan but no cold breeze.

    During my work until the end of school, a large number of students from 2M were in a serious situation with online images and payments. Abraham’s book was left on my desk during lunchtime. I saw that he got a copy of the book printed and tried some of the exercises. I went through all of the pages until the attempted questions stopped. I wrote out a list of questions for him to try that was given for the other two terms. The book was delivered and I went to take the remainder of the minutes of school to take attendance that I had pending.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:27 pm)

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