Wednesday, May 17, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #135

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:23, (Td:05)*].

Dear Diary,

    Three Georgians one boy and two girls came down in the maxi this morning. The driver was ‘Timothy’ and he was new to me. ‘Saga’ almost fell into the dirty drain and drove through the main road. He got in front of us before getting into Valsayn. Entering the compound, the anthem was brought played. We all had to stop in the walkway. I remembered last week I had to stop two late girls in the corridor for the anthem.

    The plans for today were to take attendance, work on plans for exams, review other lesson plans and do class with 1F. My receipt forms for mixed up and only did what I could have done and left that alone until the end of the week. There were some corrections for the accidentals topic and the tones and semitones lesson plans in the Word document. The methodology took a lot of time to finish.

    During lunchtime, I spoke with some students from 1F in the corridor just before the art room (Ari, Mr Joseph, Aliyah, ‘Kate’ and Kenya). I didn’t mention it but it felt like I had friends in school. The 1F class was very unsettled today. Too much noise and disorder. I gave them the note but did not explain until they were ready to listen. Somehow standing and watching them gets their attention.

    I waited with Miss Gittens after school. The students had their second half of sculpting. They had to plan and stick their pieces together. The conversation took up and an interesting review of my past was revealed to me while working on exam papers. I really wished I had music teachers that could have trained me. It was a nice occasion to be acquainted with Mr Westley later that evening. I took five hours to create my chart on tones and semitones.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 5:01 pm)

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