Wednesday, May 3, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #28) – Day #125

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 03 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (*Sunday 07 April 2023)

[T3, W:03 – D:13*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got Daddy to help me put on the tie that Andrew sent for me. I was up early and ready for Parents’ Day. I still did not know if I was going to get the opportunity. There was a dark purple and a red one with blue flowers that I liked out of the set that Andrew showed me last night. Daddy was for the purple one. He thought that it would have gone well with the green. When I thought of the children in my mind, I thought that they would have liked the red tie with the shiny blue flowers.

    When I got in the maxi, ‘Manohar’ was the driver and I sat next to Crystal. As I sat down to eat breakfast, Miss Donald came into the office in a beautiful orange dress. She liked the tie. I got one of my manilla folders and fixed up my mark sheets and attendance forms from Terms 1 and 2. Miss Roberts was in the office and hurried as always in all black. She came and made me go through a last-minute run-through of addressing the students and parents.

    Some of the things were looking through the subject register to see who had concerns with students being absent, behavioural issues in class and performance issues. She said that I would have to speak in general and not be specific about which students (certain, some, a few, etc). She thought that this address would have been in the class but did not know that it would have been in the hall and done individually.

    I got a message in the VAPA chat that the parents and students meeting would begin at 8:40. When I called Miss Roberts, she said that she was still in a class and asked if I would be comfortable doing it individually and on my own. I said yes and packed up my bag. Walking into the hall was very nervous making for me. I saw all of the parents and students looking at me. I was thinking of sitting on the empty chair and desk next to Vanessa but I decided to take the last desk down to the end just in case Miss Roberts was to show up then I needed the space.

    As Soon as I stood behind the table, a large number of students and parent left their lines for other teachers to come and visit me. Isa was the first one in line to speak to with his Dad. I was nervous but I did not let that get in the way. Chatting with the parents and some students were helpful. I also had the students sign the attendance receipt before we spoke. My mark sheets were out and I spoke on the grades first and then progressed to the classroom behaviour, then to classroom performance and exam performance as a type of formula.

    Sometime during lunchtime Miss Roberts came into the hall. She pulled a seat next to me and sat down. She sounded angry again when I was saying the word “I” and not “we” when I reminded the students of my opened lunchtime hour. Thankfully she left to go and see about the steelband rehearsal. The line finished up soon enough and I waited around. I had gotten a parent to take a picture of me but the afternoon glare blocked the desk sign I stuck on the glass door to the hall.

    Miss Gittens and I walked back to the office. We had lunch by my cubical and she got timetables for everyone in the VAPA section as she was the new Head of Department. We walked back up to the art room and I helped her with the SBAs again. I got her piece 2s and 3s sorted. I learned there were separate 2s and 3s to be audits and final CXC submissions. I had to help her organise all the assignments and then bring them to call out the students’ candidate numbers to write on the envelopes. Miss Briggs had vanished quickly as soon as we entered the room. School was long over by the time Miss Gittens and I was finished for the evening. We all had a good chat in the staffroom that evening.

    Sometime during lunchtime, I got to show Miss Patel and the form she had asked me to make over. The first two copies were making that day. I agreed that it looked neat. She was happy and very amazed at the outfit and tie I wore today. I realised that she had asked me to make it as a letter sized form because the office ran out of legal paper for the past two weeks. That was surely a long wait and somewhat disaster for teacher needing copies and prints.

    Miss Pope too had a really nice laugh out when she saw me sitting at my cubical earlier this morning. She said she loved it. I thank God for the success in facing today’s Parent’s Day. I am glad that it all worked out.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 5:15 pm)

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