Wednesday, May 31, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #32) – Day #143

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 31 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (June 2023)

[T3, W:07 – D:31*, (Td:02)*].

Dear Diary,

    I had a nice chat with Mr Mario after having breakfast. He sang for me and clapped his hands, “Hooray for Mr Ali! Hooray for Mr. Ali!” It really cheered me up. Still was not feeling well after waking a full twenty-two hours and no rest from ten in the morning yesterday.

    As soon as both Sir and Miss Panchu left, then Miss Roberts came hurriedly into the office. She came to tell me that she did not plan anything for the class this morning. I told her immediately that I had forgotten about her. It was the truth told. Further questions came that built her anger that she went off in a swift blast to the principal’s office. I went to print my teaching notes booklet for the Form 1s and their Mr Ali Textbook as well while she was in the office.

    The documents were being printed and the principal came out with her busy. The doctor told me about the logo on the paper. She said that once it had the St. George’s logo it became the property of the school. ‘Doctor’ walked off talking on her phone. I was told that on Friday (Day 4) the fifth and sixth periods would be a meeting about what went on. She left the office with the same copy of my exam paper rolled up and crimpled in her hand.

    1L was already in the music room’ and I met her standing in the corridor. She could not speak to me and I headed off. The students needed the full duration to do their exams. They were a bit noisy and I kept a close eye on the cheaters. When they left the room for the third period, Miss Gittens called me from the end of the corridor to remind me of the VAPA department meeting. I took my bags and went to Miss Jones in the Theatre room.

  • Timetable and the complications of allocation for each class.
  • 19 June 2023: Draft submission for VAPA subjects exams.
  • 26 June 2023: First Day of Exams.
  • 05 July 2023: Graduation Ceremony.

    After the meeting, Miss Roberts had concerns to address. She mentioned that there were four topics that would not be able to finish with the Form 1s before the exams. She said that she would have to leave that for Form 2. She also mentioned that she will not be amending nor taking out questions from the ‘standard’ Form 1 exam that St. George’s. She used the word lesson plan but those were teaching notes.

    During lunchtime, I met Josean from 1M by my desk. We did some review of notes, drawing them, their time values and time signatures. She had just gotten her grade one exercise book. Jessie came too and asked for a review of pitches on the treble and bass staves.

    During the eighth period, Aliyah got her review of pitches on treble and bass staff while the class continued to copy the note from the board. Apparently, Miss Roberts got her notes ready for once. The topic was Major scales. He had to call me outside for one of the regular talks when she did not like the way I taught it. She got vexed when she had to do it instead. Not sure when I will get to do the test with the students. Not sure too when a midterm would even be given. I will never forget today and the way it shaped out being.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:42 am – 3:36 pm)

Monday, May 29, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #32) – Day #142

 Date for Entry: (Monday 29 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (June 2023)

[T3, W:07 – D:30, (Td:01)*].

**Copy of Programme

Dear Diary,

    Only one Georgian came down to Valsayn with me in the maxi. The sky was very dark but thankfully the rain did not wet me. Had a nice chat with Mr Mario and Mrs Santana as we all signed out attendance books. The car park was also very empty. A lot of compliments were given to me on the Indian wear that I came to school in. Some of the teachers too had mistaken me for a student. Was not sure if Miss Roberts came that morning. I knew that they were going to have the Indian Arrival Day function that same day but was not sure when it was going to start.

    Immediately Miss Rivas came into the office to see me and said that the girl to whom I sent the “Suhani Raat” transcription found that the music was too hard to read. Miss Rivas asked me if I was still up for playing the song and I told her yes. On asking her about the function, she said, “It’s about to start now.” I still had some time. I told her that if the girl could not play the music, I would play it.

    I went to the music room to get a stand. I wanted to get my book stand but I had forgotten to take it. I got some clips from my desk in the office to clip the score to the stand and kept it safe in my older until lit was time to perform. The children had a questions and answers section and reward the children with correct answers a parcel of sweets. A lot of laughter was heard when the three girls telling the history could not pronounce the name of the Indian foods and sweets.

    I had a lot of waiting to do with Miss Bernette in the back. We were busy laughing in the back of the hall. One boy from her Form class did a harmonium piece. It was a new song to me. Two performances before I had to perform Miss Rivas made an announcement for me to come backstage. I walked around the building to the doorway at the stage’s stairs.

    As soon as I was called up to the stage, I walked up to the podium and rest the book stand with the score on it. I had to go and get the tenor pan far on the other side because one of the young men working on the stage for the function could not help me. I was glad my back didn’t pain me during the performance. Many of the students could not settle themselves so I began when I was ready, ignored them, and read and played out the full song. I remember Miss St Louis was sitting and enjoying the song from the front row by glance as soon as I got to page three.

    I waited to hear Miss Jaikaran when she was about to perform after me. I felt a bit ashamed when she said that the song, she had paned to do was “Suhani Raat” but she sang another song. I went back to the ‘music room’ to return the stand that I had borrowed. When I got back to the office, I got my things to go to the staffroom. Many teachers said that they loved the song.

    I could not do much work in the staffroom and then I did not remember to bring my flash drive so I went to the conference room. When I pulled out my checklist of topics for the Form 1s, I decided to cancel the two charts for expressive features. They would have been too much work. My plan was to start working on topics for Form 2. I was able to complete three topics: Time Signatures, Ledger Lines & Octave Designation. ‘Mr Christian’ sat with me working in there too. Seemed as if he needed a quiet place to work also.

    Lunchtime came and Miss Harris decided to have detention with her form children in there. It was not nice of her and so I left. I remained in the office for the remainder of the evening as the rest of the school had their usual classes. I did not like how I was forced to miss my class with 1M for the first two periods. There was a very messy leak in the men’s bathroom. Didn’t see Miss Gittens that day and Jeanice left early too. Before I left school Miss Jaikaran said that we should work on a song for next time. I would look forward to it.


  • “Suhani Raat” – Tenor Pan Performance. **
  • St. George’s Indian Arrival Day (2023) – Programme.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 5:04 pm)

Friday, May 26, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #31) – Day #141

Date for Entry: (Friday 26 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 04 June 2023)

[T3, W:06: – D:29, (Td:06)*].

Dear Diary,

    Four students came down in the maxi with me this morning. I had breakfast in the office and spoke with Mrs Santana. Miss Rivas brought a copy of the “Suhani Raat” score that I transcribed and emailed to her last night. I told her that I had to make copies of the song and she went to make the four for me. During lunchtime, I gave the three copies to 'Vanna', Seth and Matthew in 1M as gifts.

    Mr Shiva came and asked for piano lessons. He needed a teacher for someone. I took attendance in the subject register for the past four classes and filled out my teacher’s log.

    Miss Roberts did not come today. I had the 2F students come in. I chose to work on my Treble clef and Bass clef charts. It took me two periods to complete both charts. They were erased during lunchtime with the nice company of Yendi, Aahana and Ari.

    The students were out of control with instruments. It was only until sitting with Miss Gittens for the shuttle in the evening that Kai told us it was the first time that they ever got to play instruments. Even though the loud noise was hard, I’m glad that they did have fun.

    The Form 3s did not come at all during the 5th and 6th periods. I was glad in a bit that I did not have to babysit again. I had a nice chat with Miss Mary and her supervisor until the bell for recess. When I saw that they had a whiteboard in the room I offered them to give them music theory classes on a day of the week. The two ladies were very interested in the classes and I told them that we could use the book that I made for the Form 1 students.

    Some of the Form 1F students waited for the shuttle and Kai was telling us about the less music experience. Miss Gittens and I waited a while after school. We met the decorator and we measured the stage and took notes on what might be needed. It took a while but was over soon. A rat ran across the stage and the three of us were surprised. I remembered getting a lime joke from Mr Shiva about staying home Monday for a lime. I said "nah" at the end of school.


  • "Suhani Raat" Score. **

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 4:58 pm)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #31) – Day #140

Date for Entry: (Thursday 28 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 04 June 2023)

[T3, W:06: – D:28, (Td:05)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to the campus with three Georgian ladies. Crystal signed earlier this morning but didn’t remember to leave room for the others. The school and office were very empty today. The Form four parents Day was in the hall. I had an absent form signed for yesterday. All charts were also finished for Term 3. I went to erase the key signatures chart but the Major Scales was too big for my hand to take the pain of squeezing the eraser in my hand. I decided to leave it for tomorrow.

    During lunchtime, I helped Daysha staple her Form 1 English B exam papers. There were too many errors that came out in the prints and liquid paper was very scarce in the office. After stapling half the amount of 110 exam papers they decided to replace the other half with new copies from a fixed script. I went off to 1F and they were really noisy. We got through the recorder lesson. They were left to do the notation in their manuscript books.

    I went home early today because the car had to fix. Street Ministry was not shown for the full duration on their Facebook page. The topic was about giving thanks.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:00 am – 3:10 pm)

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #31) – Day #139

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 24 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 04 June 2023)

[T3, W:06: – D:27, (Td:04)*].

**Recorder assessment

Dear Diary,

    Came down in the maxi with two Georgians this morning. The driver gave a gospel and danced from his seat and sang to it. Then a new song “Murderer” was the main word in the next song. “Rock” was angry when the bell rang late to stop. I had a nice chat with Miss Jones in the corridor to the office. She said that she came looking for me yesterday. While getting into the office, Miss Santana and I spoke for some time. She said that she would try to come by later for lunchtime.

    During the remainder of the day, I write to do the writing for the charts with the marker that I did not remember to bring on Monday. However, I realised that I needed Mommy’s ruler to draw the staff lines. I suppose tomorrow would have to do. I decided to leave space for the staff lines and pencil in the notation for tomorrow.

    Miss Roberts had the hall set for the fashion show today. The office was not ideal and I did not want to make noise in the staffroom so I went to the conference room to do some work. I tried to work on the song for Miss Jones. I got into the middle of the chorus.

    I got tired of working on the song quickly. “Jahagi Bai” was not easy to write out. I had to write to John and tell him that I couldn’t make it. Since Monday he messaged me and it was not enough time to work on it for Friday. I only got a piece of the introduction and the rest would have been a lot of work for the short space of time.

    Heading back to the office I was not sure what to teach the Form 1s. Miss Roberts did not send anything. They needed a test. I had a class with 1L and they were too noisy. After forcing myself to keep up that day, I let loose and yelled out in frustration and the eraser almost fractured.

    I had two lines of notation in common time written on the board. The students were asked to copy it into their manuscript book and label the pitches. They took some time to complete the exercise before we corrected it together. I then explained the time signature and rests used. And showed them the fingers used to create the pith B.

    During the evening time, after school, I went through a drawing in the office. Ms Didier and I had a good laugh about the condition. I took the time to complete a timesheet ahead of time for next week’s submission.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 4:38 pm)

Monday, May 22, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #31) – Day #138

Date for Entry: (Monday 22 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 04 June 2023)

[T3, W:06: – D:03*, (Td:02)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsayn in the maxi with Tyrell this morning. Three Georgian students were with us also. As soon as I got to the office, I did not have time to eat breakfast. Miss Roberts came into the office and signed. There was something that she said and left. I had an idea in my mind that I came to the classroom and the students were gone but when I went to the music room and she was already teaching.

    As I went out of the office my keyboard in my hand and my book for class Mr Warner helped me carry the keyboard. As soon as I opened that classroom door, the ‘idea’ became a vision because the ‘idea’ had come to pass. When We stood by the classroom door and looked into the glass window, Miss Roberts had already done me that evil. I took the keyboard from Mr Warner and told him to get his bag from class and join the rest of the class in the ‘music room’. I went back to rest the keyboard in the office and then return to the class.

    During the session, Miss Roberts took the entire class. There was a review of treble and bass pitches. The girls that don’t study couldn’t answer the questions. After correcting the homework, the tones and semitones game was done for the rest of the class. I sat there listening while I had the students fill out the same class attendance.

    I went back to the office after the class and took out my Bristol board to do some chart work. Did not remember to bring the markers so I had the sheets cut and drew out the pencil lines to write them out the next day. I had a sheet of blue Bristol board to do Key Signatures in Flats and Bass cleg pitches. The green Bristol board for Key Signatures in Flats and Treble clef pitches. I started to feel sick.

    Miss Santana had also forgotten to come to visit me to listen to the “To the Ceiling” arrangement that I did. Couldn’t get onto Miss Chote or the Principal so I left a message with Isekel and walked out of the compound. I held onto my umbrella and waited and waited. Not many maxis or taxis were on the road at that time of day. I got five drips of rain on my head and then after a while, a maxi passed.

    Daddy and I went to the stationary store to get some more sheets of Bristol board. That evening, I fought and fought to get at least one chart done. It took me ten and a half hours long to get the time signatures chart completed.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:56 am – 3:37 pm)

Friday, May 19, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #137

 Date for Entry: (Friday 19 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 21 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:25, (Td:01)*].

Dear Diary,

    Two Georgians in the maxi this morning. Saw ‘Zack’ from 1M sitting and writing an incident report by my desk this morning. I had asked Artee to send the students to the music room after they had their roll call. The topic for 1M was tones and semitones and they ended up leaving class early. As soon as I gave the lesson, I gave ‘Vanna’ and Seth a chance to share their understanding of the topic since I knew that it was a hard topic.

    Miss Mary and her supervisor told me I looked young in my T-shirt and track pants. I had breakfast outside and a small granola bar. I thought that 2M students did not come. When I got up to their classroom, it was the second period finishing.

    I decided to teach the major scales lesson in their class. We took the full period for the lesson. I was also given the name of a nice song I taught that would be a nice practice for transcribing rhythm from one of the boys in class. I gave them practice in the major scales: A, Bb and Eb. It was a mixture of treble and bass staves. Two were ascending and the third was descending.

    During recess, I  took my stuff from the music room and went to the office after locking up. I went to the ‘specialist’ room to do some typing on the laptop. It was not until 1:25 in the afternoon that I was able to finish typing two exams: (1) Accidentals & Tones and Semitones, and (2) Slur and Ties. All of the music-notated graphic work was done. I did not even realise that the entire lunchtime finished while I was working in that hot room. The air-conditioning was only working like a fan but no cold breeze.

    During my work until the end of school, a large number of students from 2M were in a serious situation with online images and payments. Abraham’s book was left on my desk during lunchtime. I saw that he got a copy of the book printed and tried some of the exercises. I went through all of the pages until the attempted questions stopped. I wrote out a list of questions for him to try that was given for the other two terms. The book was delivered and I went to take the remainder of the minutes of school to take attendance that I had pending.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:27 pm)

Thursday, May 18, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #136

Date for Entry: (Thursday 18 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 21 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:24*, (Td:06)*].

Dear Diary,

    I saw ‘Shiraz’ waiting but the other driver offered me a ride. Seating was not so good since it was the door seat but the Mast of Compromises had to work in me. Met up with Miss Panchu and Mr Shiva. Crystal came in and signed the logbook right after me. I had breakfast at my desk and had some waiting for printing. I really hoped for a good day again. Miss Roberts came and I had to review two different classes with Tones and Semitones.

    I helped Miss with delivering the art sculptures done yesterday evening. They were packaged and labelled right after the exam. I was able to do and finish the plan for my Accidentals and Tones and Semitones exam on paper. Once I was done, I went to the staffroom to start the Intervals and Tonic Triads exam. Problems with the air conditioning temperature arose. Miss Harris was angry again because the principal made her go to apologise to the guards. ‘Doctor’ shared what happened to Miss Chote in anger.

    During lunchtime, I helped Aliyah with the Ties & Slurs lesson and the Accidentals. We were soon joined by ‘Vanna’, Seth and ‘Jenny’. I didn’t think I would have been able to make it to school the next day so I went to tell the students in 1M about my possible absence for the next morning and that they would have to copy the lesson notes from the Google classroom. I gave ‘Vanna’ a copy of the attendance receipt to keep. There were plans to go to Street Ministry on Charlotte Street. The topic that evening was about good and bad connections. Deliverance was given.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:12 pm)

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #135

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:23, (Td:05)*].

Dear Diary,

    Three Georgians one boy and two girls came down in the maxi this morning. The driver was ‘Timothy’ and he was new to me. ‘Saga’ almost fell into the dirty drain and drove through the main road. He got in front of us before getting into Valsayn. Entering the compound, the anthem was brought played. We all had to stop in the walkway. I remembered last week I had to stop two late girls in the corridor for the anthem.

    The plans for today were to take attendance, work on plans for exams, review other lesson plans and do class with 1F. My receipt forms for mixed up and only did what I could have done and left that alone until the end of the week. There were some corrections for the accidentals topic and the tones and semitones lesson plans in the Word document. The methodology took a lot of time to finish.

    During lunchtime, I spoke with some students from 1F in the corridor just before the art room (Ari, Mr Joseph, Aliyah, ‘Kate’ and Kenya). I didn’t mention it but it felt like I had friends in school. The 1F class was very unsettled today. Too much noise and disorder. I gave them the note but did not explain until they were ready to listen. Somehow standing and watching them gets their attention.

    I waited with Miss Gittens after school. The students had their second half of sculpting. They had to plan and stick their pieces together. The conversation took up and an interesting review of my past was revealed to me while working on exam papers. I really wished I had music teachers that could have trained me. It was a nice occasion to be acquainted with Mr Westley later that evening. I took five hours to create my chart on tones and semitones.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 5:01 pm)

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #134

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 16 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:22, (Td:04)*].


Dear Diary,

    There was a new driver today. I also tried the second doubles people this morning. It was a little better than the previous one. Miss Harris was there in the kitchen too. I met a banana on my desk and it made me very creepy. I did not have classes in the morning so I went to the staffroom and or three plans for charts completed within that short space of time.

    The fourth was started in the office. Somehow, I could have felt listening to “Worthy is the Lamb” when I worked on it. That was the song my mind chose and made me feel to play. Since other people usually made noise in the office, I got my phone out and played it from YouTube on my cell phone. I got a message from Miss Gittens asking me to come to the art room.

    When I got there, she asked if Miss Roberts and I said no because I saw that the car was not there. I was told that Miss Roberts had made a complaint against me and that she asked for a meeting with me and Miss Gittens. I waited there until recess time working on the fourth chart plan and had time to work on the beginning of another exam while waiting. 

    Miss Gittens continued to do her paperwork until the end of recess. She had homeroom to do. Not sure what that was about. Some time had gone when Jeanine left. I did not know when exactly. As I was left alone in the art room too look after it, 

    I went to the ‘specialist’ room and got my lesson plans in order on the laptop because I had the new tones and semitones lesson to give to 1L later that afternoon. They were very tough to go through. Not many students were there in class but I sent the notes on the board for them to copy. I was very proud of Aiden because he understood the topic.


  • “Worthy is the Lamb".

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:37 am – 3:09 pm)

Monday, May 15, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #30) – Day #133

Date for Entry: (Monday 15 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 May 2023)

[T3, W:05 – D:21*, (Td:03)*].

Dear Diary,

    One Form Two student was with me in the maxi this morning. No one was there in the office when I got to school. I had breakfast in the kitchen and went off to 1M in class with my stuff and the keyboard. I did the accidentals topic with them and sometime into the early parts of the second period, I should get a call from Miss Roberts. She sounded as if she had not gotten to the music room.

    I looked out to the car park from the window and her car was there (parked where it shouldn’t be). She yelled me up on the phone because I did not carry the students to the music room. When she was ready to get my explanation, I told her that my time and the children’s time were taken up because of assembly and homeroom time. It was as if I was supposed to apologise, which I did not do. I waited and held the phone in and listened to the silence of her thinking. It took her six long seconds to hang up.

    Putting the phone back into my pocket, I saw some of the students looking back at me. Within four short seconds, I could see Miss Roberts in her yellow top barging out the music room’s door and stamping her flat shoes. It was amazing that she actually made the bend to go up to the building in the back. I had a feeling it would have been Miss Gittens who was going to complain about me. It could not have been to Miss Jones all the way down to the other side of the same building.

    The students looked at me watching that conversation from the front of the class while they finished copying the note. When they asked me if I was all right, I did mention a short something to them about the meeting taking place. They looked out the window too. Only ten students handed up books.

    I graded them and handed them back by the end of lunchtime. I saw Isa smiling and waving at me from within the Library. I could tell that they had literature when I asked Dr Blandin permission to return the students’ books. I had copies for the students that did not have the grade one exercise book. Isekel and I noticed that the PDF pages of the grade one book were out of order.

    For the rest of the day, I had a forty per cent exam for semiquavers and beaming planned out. Did some research in the staffroom to do a plan for a chart on staves. I also took the time after school to clear my desk and relieve it of some clutter. Mrs. Santana didn’t come today so we couldn’t chat.

    That same afternoon, I learned from Trishanna that Form 5 Music moderation was that same day. I did not get an invitation but no biggie. She told me that she made a lot of mistakes in the piece that she started to learn a few weeks ago. I had helped her with the first section of it but did not meet her to work on it again.

    On the way of getting home, Kiel, Crystal and Jeanice were walking out. I accompanied them to the main road and they wanted a maxi that could hold all of us. There was one maxi that stopped with space for one. A taxi passed but they didn’t pay attention.

    When the second maxi stopped and Crystal and I got in, there was space for only three. She got out and I remained. I couldn’t keep up on that with them or I would remain there or a while. We all met back up in Curepe and crossed the road to get to the terminal side. Still very angered over Miss Roberts and her behaviour.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 3:28 pm)

Friday, May 12, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #29) – Day #132

Date for Entry: (Friday 12 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13 May 2023)

[T3, W:04 – D:20, (Td:02)*].

Dear Diary,

    I saw Sadie in the maxi this morning. ‘Musician’ was the driver and the sky was very cloudy. I hoped it did not break down on me while walking in. I had breakfast in the kitchen with Miss Didier and she told me that she ran away to have breakfast before everyone piled her up with work to do. I had 1L and because I was running late, the Religious Education period this morning bought me some time. They were noisy to finish in the music room. No sign of Miss Roberts again all morning.

    Coming back to the office, I saw Miss Lawson and I gave a slip of scrap paper for her to write out the classes she taught. She wanted to use the mark book that made. We spoke a little and were then joined by Miss Trail at the drive-in. Miss Gittens came out of the office and told me that she was in a meeting and that the meeting for VAPA was about to start.

    We both walked up to Miss Jones’ Theatre Arts classroom. It was very hot and she told me that the air-conditioning was not working. We spoke for some short minutes while waiting for Miss Gittens. As soon as our opening prayer finished, we had to move to a concrete bench in the corridor because three gentlemen came to do a diagnostic on the air-conditioning in Miss Jones’ room. I went to get my table from the office for us to use.

    The meeting went on through recess and all of the fifth period. Mr Bain came into the compound at the end and while we were talking to Miss Mary, Miss Gittens asked about anything for the Mother’s Day celebration. We both didn’t know anything about it. She asked him to ‘rope’ me in to help them. I got my stuff back into the office and met back sir with Mr Pierre, they learned that I’m a steelpan musician. Mr Bain told me that there was a song that he had planned. I had to go back and get my books and pan sticks from the office.

    We went to the music room and I realised the song would take a longer time for me to do. It was called “Tennessee Whiskey.” We tried the djembe and I helped him figure out the rhythm used from the song. It was short and easy to learn and when he tried singing the song while I played the rhythm, we both liked it a lot. I gave him my notebook to write out the lyrics and he worked on the rest.

    We walked down to the library and many of the female teachers were gathering around. They were already being served food. I helped other male teachers serve. Mr Martin and I handled the ice cream and I lent them my tray for the serving. Abigail was the first performer. Mr Bain’s performance was the last part of the little function. Everyone seemed happier to see the two of us performing. I had a good lot of conversations with Mr Martin and Mr Raymond.

    Mr Martin and I stayed back after everyone left to clean up the library and the food table that we prepared everything during the little celebration. I knew that I was very late for my class with 1F. I went to wash out my tray and the empty ice cream bucket. I got dishwashing soap to clean them out properly. I got my things from the office and had the children start to fill out the attendance, while I went to get my bags from the music room. Miss Roberts asked if I taught the Form 3 lesson. She looked to get vexed when I said no.

    I hurried back to 1F and delivered the lesson. It was 1:19 that I began teaching. We did not get to do the listening exercise that I did with 1L earlier this week. I feel that I have to make a recording of the exercise and let them try it from Google Classroom.


  • “Tennessee Whiskey” – YouTube Recording.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 3:57 pm)

Thursday, May 11, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #29) – Day #131

Date for Entry: (Thursday 11 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13 May 2023)

[T3, W:04 – D:19, (Td:01)*].

Dear Diary,

    I didn’t eat breakfast this morning. I went to 1M for class in the music room. We had some time after the second part of the expressive features lesson. Seth played pan with Josean and Vanna did a dance at the back. Everyone was entertained for that time and at the end of the applause the bell went for the third period.

    I saw that Miss Roberts was not here in school as yet. She crept up on me in the office by my desk and asked me, “Why weren’t you in the music room?” Very unbelievable of her. I needed to get things for the next few periods if she didn’t even bother to show up that day.

    I stayed for the remainder of the last two double periods before and after recess. I followed her to the music room after getting what I needed. It was exhausting. In the two periods after recess, I decided to work on the exam for my ties and slurs exam. I thought that I may not have had much possibility to make a good exam but the idea of comprehension came in handy.

    During lunchtime, I got my letter reviewed and signed by Miss Gittens and stamped in the office. I remained working on the ties and slurs exams that I  began earlier today. During the seventh period, Miss Roberts called me to discuss different topics that she had ‘planned’ for the Form 1s and those for the Form 2s and 3s. After school, Mrs Santana and I spoke about the song selection that she got from Mrs Vanessa Marcus-Ryan on our ride out to Curepe.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:13 am – 3:21 pm)

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #29) – Day #130

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 10 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13 May 2023)

[T3, W:04 – D:18, (Td:06)*].

Dear Diary,

    No Georgians came with me in the maxi this morning. There were a lot of cars in the yard and parents. I felt like it was Parents’ Day. This one was for Forms 2s. I helped Miss Patel with the box of desk labels she set on my desk. She gave me a list of teachers’ names that she had to get for the tables in the Hall. I played them out neatly on the desk; some labels had to be made and added to the set in the box. Unfortunately, I did not remember to take a picture of the box for the journal entry.

    I went to the music room to have the final review of my term three lesson plans for the form 1s. I knew that I had them as my main backup just in case Miss Roberts did not move right. I stayed in there until lunchtime. Some of the images in the teaching notes for my lesson plan were drawn over on the whiteboard and photographed for better illustration in the documentation.

    Back at the office, I checked out my lesson plans on the Teachers’ Log Sheet that I made. There were six sessions of information to be entered into each class’s form. I sat down and I killed myself out doing attendance for all nine days of attendance I did not do since the term began. I also started a tones and semitones chart plan but had to leave it for another time. The idea for that particular topic was not flowing so much. Before school was finished, I got Miss Didier to print the letter from Miss Gittens onto the school’s letterhead. She would have to sign it tomorrow.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 3:37 pm)

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #29) – Day #129

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 09 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13 May 2023)

[T3, W:04 – D:17, (Td:05)*].

Dear Diary,

    Manny came in the front seat of the maxi but left with another girl. I had breakfast in the kitchen again and had a good chat with Miss Santana about the songs for the function. I had some copies done and went with my bags to the music room to work on the intervals chart. Miss Roberts showed up and I got out quickly. They had a meeting in there probably about Graduation.

    I had the recommendation letter reviewed by Miss Gittens and I gave her the school’s email to have it printed. Miss Roberts taught 1F the second half of the expressive features lesson, Dynamics and Articulation. She asked me to correct the homework. That was all for the rest of the evening. Miss Roberts said that she would not be there tomorrow. I had another nice chat with Mrs Santana. There was something serious to talk about.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 4:18 pm)

Monday, May 8, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #29) – Day #128

Date for Entry: (Monday 08 May 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13 May 2023)

[T3, W:04 – D:16, (Td:04)*].

Dear Diary,

    There was a very empty road this morning. No Georgian was with me. The office was fumed out too early and it got me more sicker than I already was. I didn’t see Doctor there that morning until after lunch. I had to eat in the kitchen and went to the music room. It gave me some time to work on my lesson plans for term three. All lesson plans and teaching notes for term three were reviewed and completed by the end of recess.

    The students I helped with Tenor bass last week didn’t stay long enough for me to come out behind the desk to help. Miss Roberts too did not show up for the rest of the day so I locked up and went back to the office to rest my bags. She did not even remember that I needed the next lessons. So, I decided to teach 1L the accidentals lessons that I created myself. It was the first time that I had to carry my keyboard into the classroom.

    The class was very unsettled and restless. Did not have the strength to shout that loud. I had the keyboard on the loudest volume and the children still could not hear what I was playing. Either way, the lesson was still successfully taught and I was very proud of Ansar today. He got all correct in the accidental listening exercise that I created.

    After school was finished, Miss Gittens remained to do the Bus shuttle alone. We had a good chat until the last bus went. She took me to the art room to show me the envelopes that some of the students had made for her during the day. At that time the invigilators for sculpting told the three girls that they had exactly one hour left.

    I recall that Jeanice came into the art room to ask if I brought my yardstick to school. She looked like she was in big trouble. I saw the attempt she made with a smaller ruler found earlier. In a way, I was angry at what she did with the six lines and certain things that occur.

    I took about forty-five minutes of the student’s last hour to draw lines with the small ruler and label them. I tried to finish the work at the same time as the students but needed six more seconds after the time was finished. Miss and I got a ride from a parent.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:35 am – 4:49 pm)

Friday, May 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #28) – Day #127

 Date for Entry: (Friday 05 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 07 April 2023)

[T3, W:03 – D:15*].

Dear Diary,

    One Georgian was in the maxi this morning. The Form 1s were moved to Block K. There was Religious Education going on again and it took up the entire first period. The students were finishing up at different times I had to wait for them to come in or the singing would have been interrupted. There was enough time to write the date (done in Spanish), the topic and the short composition that I came up with.

    I tapped the pulse with the head of my marker on the teacher’s table and asked the students to tap their laps to follow it. The first round was done steady and the second was sped up or slowed down. They were able to identify the unsteady pulse. I gave them the note but time ran out and everyone rushed out to get to their next class. I was a bit disappointed but glad that this was one of the more smarter class to figure it out.

    For the rest of the day, I only saw Miss Gittens in the art room after chatting with Miss Jones. I was appreciative for the opportunity since we don’t speak that much. I left to go back to the music room because it was unattended. Three lesson plans were done during periods three to five. Miss Mary and I had a nice chat during lunchtime. I got to show her the pictures from Parents’ Day.

    The passed by the hall on lunchtime to see what I could see. It was still full but everyone was on lunch when I entered. I went to see Miss Didier in the office after and she was having lunch and she was shocked when she found out that she walked out on me yesterday.

    Same time, Miss Patel came in the space excited to tell me that Miss Chote gave them permission to use the form that I made. She had a few copies in her hands but then I told her that I had put in the name of the form. She showed me it and asked me what she should do. I suggested to keep the forms and use the new one when she needed to save the paper. She instead wated until the end of school for Miss Didier and I to go through the new forms in the school email.

    I helped out some of the students for the steelband rehearsal. Did not know the lady with them but I had the feeling she was the also the arranger. The session ended sooner and the children were still coming to practice. I waited and waited for 2L to come down to the music room. I even had time to slowly take my time to walk all the way to Block K and back. Mr Hoyte had forgotten his folder in class. Miss Roberts had just so decided to show up to school some long minutes into her class time. She had me write out the exercise on the board and then would take over after.

    I left the music room before home time bell called to go to the office. I did not see Miss Gittens return to school. Miss Didier waited until school overed to see about the forms I had made and to do replacements within the file in her desktop computer. She was very tired but I was glad all the forms were now all available. I met Miss Patel in the staffroom for my evening cool off and when I told her that it was ready in the office for printing I left to go home.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 3:20 pm)

Thursday, May 4, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #28) – Day #126

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 04 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 07 April 2023)

[T3, W:03 – D:14*].

Dear Diary,

    Only Mr Jobe came down with me in the maxi this morning. I had class with 1L. They needed the full time to do the expressive features lesson, which was done in their home class. I did the “The Class that I like” singing. It was a short melody in four-four at about three measure long.

    I sang it and had them tap the pulse as tempo was the first item on the list for the expressive features topic. This was my method of trying to get the students an idea of what they were about to write about in their books and the various related vocabulary. I realised that I made a mistake for the 1L class and gave the same example as dynamics but it would be good review for next time.

    For the rest of periods three and four I went back to the art room to work on the envelopes. I got masking tape from Miss and helped her reinforce the envelopes. Three sides of each envelope except the top opening. I eft that one until all the envelopes were filled. Some students were asked to come in and finish up their labelling. Yesterday evening while working with Miss I got the forms to stick on the back. The students just had to fill them in, someone would write in their candidate’s number on the envelope and insert the project.

    During recess, I went to visit Miss Roberts but she was busy. Time was going and she stopped me to ask about the class. When she asked if the 1L’s lesson was done in the music room and I said no, she got angry with me.

    After lunch, 1F’s class was done in the music room. They took long because a lot of students were responsible for the injury of a girl in class. It took up time for the roll session to over and Miss Roberts took long for the students to do the review of ties and slurs. She asked if I wanted to do the review or she could do it so I let her. She gave them more homework.

    I had less than one hour to do the entire session. Had to run to the office to get an attendance sheet. I did the proper singing but changed “I like 1L” to “I like 1F” to suite the class. I did the first round at one stead pulse and the next began steady but was slowed down and sped up. They were able to understand that. We had one minutes exact before school to over and I just went through the pronunciations of each word. She said that she would not be coming tomorrow.

    Miss Dedier had forgotten me that afternoon and stormed out the door. As it came to four in the evening, Miss Santana was going home late. She sat and we had a good chat about the function for Miss Rogers-Small before she left. I walked out to the road sometime after.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 3:32 pm)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #28) – Day #125

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 03 April 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (*Sunday 07 April 2023)

[T3, W:03 – D:13*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got Daddy to help me put on the tie that Andrew sent for me. I was up early and ready for Parents’ Day. I still did not know if I was going to get the opportunity. There was a dark purple and a red one with blue flowers that I liked out of the set that Andrew showed me last night. Daddy was for the purple one. He thought that it would have gone well with the green. When I thought of the children in my mind, I thought that they would have liked the red tie with the shiny blue flowers.

    When I got in the maxi, ‘Manohar’ was the driver and I sat next to Crystal. As I sat down to eat breakfast, Miss Donald came into the office in a beautiful orange dress. She liked the tie. I got one of my manilla folders and fixed up my mark sheets and attendance forms from Terms 1 and 2. Miss Roberts was in the office and hurried as always in all black. She came and made me go through a last-minute run-through of addressing the students and parents.

    Some of the things were looking through the subject register to see who had concerns with students being absent, behavioural issues in class and performance issues. She said that I would have to speak in general and not be specific about which students (certain, some, a few, etc). She thought that this address would have been in the class but did not know that it would have been in the hall and done individually.

    I got a message in the VAPA chat that the parents and students meeting would begin at 8:40. When I called Miss Roberts, she said that she was still in a class and asked if I would be comfortable doing it individually and on my own. I said yes and packed up my bag. Walking into the hall was very nervous making for me. I saw all of the parents and students looking at me. I was thinking of sitting on the empty chair and desk next to Vanessa but I decided to take the last desk down to the end just in case Miss Roberts was to show up then I needed the space.

    As Soon as I stood behind the table, a large number of students and parent left their lines for other teachers to come and visit me. Isa was the first one in line to speak to with his Dad. I was nervous but I did not let that get in the way. Chatting with the parents and some students were helpful. I also had the students sign the attendance receipt before we spoke. My mark sheets were out and I spoke on the grades first and then progressed to the classroom behaviour, then to classroom performance and exam performance as a type of formula.

    Sometime during lunchtime Miss Roberts came into the hall. She pulled a seat next to me and sat down. She sounded angry again when I was saying the word “I” and not “we” when I reminded the students of my opened lunchtime hour. Thankfully she left to go and see about the steelband rehearsal. The line finished up soon enough and I waited around. I had gotten a parent to take a picture of me but the afternoon glare blocked the desk sign I stuck on the glass door to the hall.

    Miss Gittens and I walked back to the office. We had lunch by my cubical and she got timetables for everyone in the VAPA section as she was the new Head of Department. We walked back up to the art room and I helped her with the SBAs again. I got her piece 2s and 3s sorted. I learned there were separate 2s and 3s to be audits and final CXC submissions. I had to help her organise all the assignments and then bring them to call out the students’ candidate numbers to write on the envelopes. Miss Briggs had vanished quickly as soon as we entered the room. School was long over by the time Miss Gittens and I was finished for the evening. We all had a good chat in the staffroom that evening.

    Sometime during lunchtime, I got to show Miss Patel and the form she had asked me to make over. The first two copies were making that day. I agreed that it looked neat. She was happy and very amazed at the outfit and tie I wore today. I realised that she had asked me to make it as a letter sized form because the office ran out of legal paper for the past two weeks. That was surely a long wait and somewhat disaster for teacher needing copies and prints.

    Miss Pope too had a really nice laugh out when she saw me sitting at my cubical earlier this morning. She said she loved it. I thank God for the success in facing today’s Parent’s Day. I am glad that it all worked out.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 5:15 pm)