Monday, October 2, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #42) – Day #188

Date for Entry: (Monday 02 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (September 2023)

[T1, W:05 – D:20, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came in the maxi with two Georgian girls to Valsayn. The cold in me was very strong while walking in. No one was in the office as usual. I went to the music room and I had the date set on the board. Some of the children took late to come and the same as the long assembly. I had a  review of the Grade 2 time signatures with 2M. Exercises 1-2 were given for homework at the end of the session, along with a Minim note tree.

    I had 1L afterwards for the second of three double periods. The number of students was not too much. They did not get the treble clefs to draw for homework. So, I had them draw one line off treble clefs before copying the note. It gave me some time to pass around the room and check their manuscript books.

    The children seemed to enjoy the lesson. We had notes and values today and with the call and response exercise (How Do You Do?). Miss Roberts wanted me to have the students use two fingers to clap instead because her lesson was affected by the coffin box. Towards the end of the session, we corrected the lesson and the children went to their recess.

    After recess, I decided to go to 2F and teach them in class. At the end of the double period, the current went and came and then went a second time for a long while. The children were excited when it went. I stayed back with “Varry” to help him understand the time signatures. I had him try the rest of exercise three on his own.

    During lunchtime, I limed with some of the teachers by the entrance of Block K. Mr “Marlon” made a joke about himself being scared. Had to wait for the rain to wase down. I went to sit by my desk and wait while filling out my teaching log. I did not see “Yash” come for his session today. Maybe because there was no current, he thought we were not having class again? They had a crisis management meeting going on in the Vice Principal’s office.

    Daddy called me to see if I was coming back home early because I didn’t have class for the remainder of the evening. Janice was busy to get her umbrella and bag and walk out the door. Crystal left early too. I went to the kitchen sometime after the electricity returned to have lunch during the late half of the seventh period. I think I heated the food too much and it burned me but it was good. (2L girl again was in trouble) while Miss Patel went back and forth to teach her class and see about the matter.

    I got some of my teaching logs printed. I also experienced the first day without “DD” in the office as many others. I got some Teacher’s Logs Forms that I printed. Some were printed upside down on the reversed side. We went by Isa to get the forms printed. From five in the evening to 11:48 that night, it took me to complete attendance for all of September for all Form 1s and Form 2s. I was very tired after that process.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 3:32 pm)

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