Wednesday, October 11, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #43) – Day #195

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 11 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (October 2023)

[T1, W:06 – D:27, (Td:2)*].

** picture of desk files

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got to Valsayn with a new maxi driver. It was too hard to wake up. I was hurried to fix up and go to class. Praise God Miss Mohammed was there in the office to help me make prints or conduct with 2M. I went to the music room first but since time was going, I went over to them in Block K. Thery met me at Block’s doors and we went back into their Home Room.

    There was one more staff of barlines to do in their orange book. Then I had Seth hand out the Minim and Quaver Note Trees worksheet. The answer for the quaver rest note-tree was given. I explained that the Minim note tree would be for twenty per cent of their coursework marks. I handed out the Form 1 Crotchet note tree that they would not have been given and then the conducting handout. I have each of them three pieces of masking tape to stick. Exercise A was demonstrated and given for homework.

    Directly after the quick end of time, I had 1L. They were the first class to have the recorder lessons. The note was given followed by an explanation and demonstration of sitting posture, and pitches G, A, B. Some of them still did not remember to play their recorder when not asked to. They were given a short listening exercise using the pitches G, A and B to determine what order they were played. Each bar was in groups of four and they too had to identify how long the pitches were played. I did not pass around to check books because we had at least two minutes and thirty seconds. The children seemed to understand how to play.

    After recess, the third lower school had English exams for the second half of the day. Each exam was a double period long. I got to Block K a bit late after having my recess but exams did not start as yet. I met Mrs Santana in the corridor. She gave me the papers and walked me to 1M where I was the supervisor. I greeted the students and conducted the exam. I also had them turn off their cell phone and put them in their bags. The bags were already placed in front of the room.

    During the exam, Mrs Santana came to check in and then prefects were coming to let us teachers off to the staff meeting. I was told by a prefect that there was a staff meeting going on. I told him that I would prefer to start and supervise the rest of the exam. For me, I felt like it would have been an irresponsible thing to do. The class was very cold. We worked down to lunchtime when I collected the papers. One student was ill and I gave another permission to leave to get their Form Teacher.

    I met back Mrs Santana in the staffroom. I sat with her and Miss Pierre and the rest of the room was empty. I learned that the staff meeting was about the Achievements Awards for picking a theme which was voted on and also come committee to be formed. I had the worksheets with me for this evening’s exam but Mrs Santana told me that I was free and I should take it. She gave me a sheet of paper to write down the instructions for the worksheet I wanted 2F to do. Mrs Sharma-Persad would be the supervisor for that exam.

    On my walk back to the office, I saw Jessie and Sadia offered to review the time signatures. That was a good test to see what would happen. The girl as I suspected pulled him away from the work. I will see if they come tomorrow.

    I met “Yash” walking back to his classroom area. Probably he gave up waiting for me to show. I apologised and got right into the work. Today’s session was Time signatures for Grade 1. I decided to skip a good few lessons to help him prep for the exam that I would like him to do with the rest of the Form 2s.

    By the time he had done four of the exercises in the red book, I had to wrap up and send him immediately off to class. It was 1:40 pm and he was late for his English B exam with the rest of the lower school. A 2F student of mine had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. It was very scary to see this happen in an actual school. I hope that the girl will be alright and back to school soon.

    I took the rest of the afternoon getting my desk in order. I cleaned it up and after looking for one thing, the whole table got messed up. I cleared it back up a second time. I also had mew new folder added. The Form 2 content in the Form 1 folders was now moved over to the Form 2 files. The entire desk was very colourful. Today was also the first of Miss Gittens’ Wednesday and Friday evening classes for the Form 5s with SBAs.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:57 am – 3:39 pm)

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