Monday, October 30, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #46) – Day #207

Date for Entry: (Monday 30 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 05 November 2023)

[T1, W:09 – D:39, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with a Georgian girl. Miss Santana had some trouble trying to scan a document. There was no one in the office to assist her that early in the morning. I thought that I had 2L this morning after eating my pie and after unpacking my bag, I saw that I had 2M. I was unsure what to do with them regarding less than half the class submitting their project. I took the next back of Minim and Quaver note trees for them to do over neatly.

    After getting them into the classroom, I drew up the blank tables on the board, inserted the headers and told them that we would be filling out the tables together as a class. This exercise took the entire double period along with the conducting exercises for Parts A and B. Part C was given for the students to attempt on their own for homework. They were also asked to research the pitches D, E, F#, G, and A for the recorder. The same thing was done with 2F in the Home Room after recess.

    I had 1L for the third and fourth periods. The students were lined up outside in the lobby area for their photo for their George’s Identification Card. I began the lesson with eleven students in the class. The others came in and joined the writing. Time Signatures was taught. I felt bad that I had to give them the notice of a test tomorrow.

    At lunchtime, “Yash” came and met me in the office and I had him pick a brick between lesson 7 (Bass Clef) and lesson 12 (Ties and Slurs). He chose a lesson and I got the note and had him copy it. We had some practice in the red book and then he was off to class. When he left, I had lunch done and out of the way. It put a heavy weight that made me so tired after. Didn’t eat anything for the whole day. I went outside to call back Janine but she didn’t answer the phone.

    I returned to my desk and tried to fill up the timesheet in time for tomorrow’s submission. Miss Mohammed dashed out and left early. I was alone in the office. Many people came and went. The maxi drivers were concerned about their salary sheet not being signed but had to be left over for the night.

    Miss Patel was the Acting Principal for the day and Mrs Sawh was assisting Dr Blandin. There was a lot of rain that came down all of a sudden. It left soon after. Short wait afterwards until we finally left the compound. Going over to Isa, he came running down the steps and told us that he was late to pick up his children. Had to do a whole week without typing up my journal entries for last week or doing anything on the computer for that matter.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:00 am – 4:28 pm)

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