Friday, October 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #206

Date for Entry: (Friday 27 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:38, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    Got to Valsayn with a very nice gentleman. He asked if George’s was still there. We spoke until I got to the gate to walk into the compound. I ate my first pie in the office early. Didn’t want to say there. The hall was filled with too many children, the staffroom was nasty with some unusual smell again and the library was closed. I sat below the tent. Found out it was Kayley’s birthday. “Ella’s” worksheet fell in a pool of water before the bell for classes to assemble.

    I continued working on the Form 2 music appreciation project. It would have been 40% but I wanted some form of art where they could draw. Went back to the hall after finishing the history research section. There was no one there for the Pentecostal RI.

    There was an argument in the office about a book for leaving the compound and the procedure issue. I ended up going outside to sit on the bench and the tall guy joined me to read his Newsday. Miss Gittens spoke with Mr Charles’ wife for all of period 1 before going off to her homeroom. I too went back into the office before my double period with 1F.

    I decided to have class in class again. Today would have been nice to have it in the Music room since they had not been there in a while but I saw Brad limping earlier this morning and didn’t want him to have to walk all across the campus to get here. They got the time signatures lesson.

    During recess, ‘Miss Assong’ asked for copies of the note tree credit assignment. I tried to get it printed but the machine didn’t want to print. Only a few minutes after they left it printed. She and ‘Miss Young’ had forgotten to come back at lunchtime to collect the copies. I had a visit from “Yash” and I forgot him. Didn’t know he would be coming over today. We reviewed time signatures for both grades 1 and 2. I had to send him the notes for him to copy.

    I had the test with 2F. They were the last of the Form 2 to receive it. There were irregularities. It was the first time that the students had to see why Mr Ali walked around with a marker in his hands during exam time. ‘Mr Gill’ was the first to get it, followed by Akash and Jessie. After School, I remained with Ari, Aliyah, ‘Miss Noel’ and ‘Miss Jacque’ in 2F going through their Distribution Law Theory. I was happy that I could help simplify the work for Aliyah.

    I took a picture of the homework on the board to do on my own over the weekend. IT was done on Saturday. I got the barque lunch from “DD” that I had paid for. It cost fifty dollars. Miss Ali left it on my desk for me. It came when I was in a test with 2F that evening. Didn’t stay long in the office that evening. I packed up and went to eat in the staffroom.

    The table in the back had Miss Pope, Miss Greenaway, Mrs Sawh, Donna and soon Miss Gittens came with Miss Lusha. They were installing a new air-conditioning unit that time of the day so we all had to say on that part of the room. It was a nice evening lime until leaving. I ate the barbeque while liming with the rest of the teachers. I can’t wait to get home and finish grading all the papers.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:18 am – 4:50 pm)

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