Tuesday, October 10, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #43) – Day #194

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 10 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 14 October 2023)

[T1, W:06 – D:26, (Td:1)*].


Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn with a new driver today. She said that she found an old template that I could use for the creation of the new invitations for the St. George’s College Achievement Awards. It was a small, cute card with everything to do over. We walked into the office together and she went into her office. She said, “Is Good that ah fine yuh early, eh boy. ‘Cause yuh know how my day does be already.” I said, “Yeah, ah know!”

    I  saw Miss Santana and Miss Gittens in the office. I was met by the Doctor in the corridor while walking to the office. Miss Santana said that she would have the take the exam papers and sort them out before she could give me some to do. I had to help ‘Doctor’ find the book for the parents or guardians to sign. There was a student who was not feeling well and wanted to go home early. That was before school had called for assembly.

    Afterwards, Miss Jones came to sign. Isekel and I learned that it was her Wedding Anniversary that day. I ate my ham and cheese pie while it was hot and left the other one for later. I was happy when Mr Ramdath came to the office. He mentioned the word lesson plan and I was glad that there were teachers who did them.

    This morning I had a long wait for the Form 1s to get to the music room. As I was waiting for 1F to come to their first music exam, I got a letter from Mr Mohammed from his parent to exclude him from the class. I felt very weird getting that letter. He also told me that I  asked that the rest of the children remain in their Home Room when they have music class. Some of the students were restless. I got all the papers marked and graded afterwards. I noticed the cheating but six of the students.

    During lunch at the wrap up a 1L student came to do the make-up of the first exam. He for 37 of 40 marks. I went back to Block K to help Miss Santana with an early stapling of the test papers. She was surprised to see me. The staffroom over there was empty and colder. It made me cough a lot but I had my face mask on. I stapled out all the Form 2 English A exam papers and handed them over to Miss before crossing the corridor to 2F.

    I had all exercises A-C in the conducting exercises completed and given for homework. I  also gave them the 3-beat conducting pattern to interpret. I want to see how they think it might be. There was another long waiting for the bus shuttle to come for all the children that evening. Mis Patel shared some of her VIPS snacks with us. It ate just like the peanuts M&Ms. On our way out to Curepe by the intersection, I saw “Shiraz” driving his maxi down in the other direction.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – : pm)

Yesterday: (7:46 am – 3:21 pm)

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