Wednesday, October 18, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #199

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 18 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:31, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning the maxi driver was “Hanuman-Kumar”. Crystal and a Georgian girl were with me on the way to Valsayn. Thought that I would have gotten there late but I was in time. Sitting by my desk I met my ice-cream bucket filled with water. I went to wash it out with soap outside. Mr Omar asked me to fill two buckets of water from my container. I got it dried and gave Miss Ali ten dollars before going to wash my hands for breakfast.

    While the school was waiting for the first period to finish, with Religious Instruction, I went to the Conference Room. Thankfully, it was not occupied. I took the full period of that time working on my conducting sheets for Term 1-3 mapped out on the whiteboard. A picture was taken for them to be notated over computer software sometime in the future.

    In the second period, one hundred of the Form 2 time signature exam was printed and stapled. The staffroom was my working area for the rest of the morning. I took a look through the new books that I got from Blue Edition and compared them with the “Music Theory in Practice” Books 1 & 2.

    I loved how they had the books placed in chapters and showed the learning outcome or the objectives for each chapter. It felt more organised. Thinking of the book in use, it felt like good books like these would be waited in a secondary school. I made a list of topics and tried to order them into the three terms of Form 2. Some amendments were made to my Form 2 Scheme of Topics page. I will have to consult with the curriculum first for more topics (if any).

    It was only until 2:10 PM, I returned to the office since morning. I spoke with Miss Paul via text message. She sent me the curriculum to check through. I also got Indian Classical Sargam and other stuff to add to my list of topics for Form 2., which made me remember the Indian Classical Ensemble in DCFA. The sheet that I did in scrap was done over. Both Form 1&2 academic year outlines of topics were corrected and sent to the school’s email overnight for printing to submit to Miss Gittens.

    Later that evening, I got another surprise call from Aunty Vangy to pick me up. We went to have dinner at Trincity and went to help her with groceries again. We had a good laugh straining to get a shelf up the steps. I got back home at 7:43 p.m. I felt so tired that night. I began to fall asleep during my Duolingo Spanish lessons. Didn’t get to speak with ‘Super-Reader’ either.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:02 am – 3:07 pm)

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