Tuesday, October 17, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #198

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 17 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:30, (Td:5)*].

**Donuts pic.

Dear Diary,

    Empty car park along with an empty office at my arrival this morning. There was an issue with ‘Doctor’ being addressed about the classroom issues entry to each room. A gentleman responsible for us shuttles was there too and soon trouble makers came. I left to find somewhere else to go. Going up to the art room Miss Gittens sent me to the music room to supervise the Form 4s. Miss Roberts did not come that morning to teach her class.

    I continued working by the teacher’s desk and then I worked a little on reconstructing the conducting worksheets. I felt that it would have been better to teach the Form 2s easier rhythms that they could work out on their own. I don’t think they are ready for dotted notes at this time. The better idea for me would be to do 2-beat in term one, 3-beat in term two, and 4-beat in term 3, where they would then finally get to work on rhythmic composition. It is called composing an answering rhythm in the Eric Taylor ABRSM books.

    1M came. I waited for them to come to the music room. I did the listening exercise that was not done in the last class. Then we moved on to the First verse of George’s Anthem. Their exam papers were returned and reviewed. I had forgotten to go through the musical instruments section with them.

    I decided to go to 2L after recess. I did not have much time to have a recess after. I did the contusing exercises with them in ‘two-four’. They were also given a picture with the underlined words of George’s Anthem. Heavy rain poured down. After I left them. There were three minutes before lunchtime. A girl came to ask me for her pencil case from the music room. It was difficult for me because the room was locked and the door in the back too was locked. Had to ask ‘Miss Gloria’ for the key and return it afterwards. I walked with my umbrella because of the rain.

    Going back to the office, Miss Gittens didn’t see ‘Yash’. I know that she was supposed to have him for Visual Arts class today. I didn’t see him either. Waited a bit longer after. I returned to Block K to see Mirs Santana about the English A papers. Somehow, I was still early after trying to make p the time in the office. Heavier rain fell after the meeting. I got to share Mr ‘Marlon’.

    I went back to the part room to work on my painting on the canvas. Went to Blue Edition to get new books. I was told that the Music Theory in Practice books were out and that a new kind was being used. I took a Grade 1 and 2 for the students at George’s.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:04 am – 3:58 pm)

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