Tuesday, October 24, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #203

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 24 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:35, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came in early this morning. I had no one with me in the maxi. I ate my pie and went up to Block K. Today was 2L in the morning and 2M in the evening. 2L started late because “Mr Bucks” had to write a letter to apologise because he called my name wrong in an inappropriate manner. Mr Martain asked him to write it and gave it to me. He stayed there in the office. I did not read that letter until after school.

    While that continued, I went over to their classroom and began the test. The full double period was used for this exam. Patraj, Nodarse, and Nodarse were zombified, zoned out and gone. I see a large potential for failure in the class. The Good King Wenceslas was handed out. They left for the library at the end of the second period.

    I went to Miss Gittens to help her with the proposal for her church’s second Unity Walk. She had me typing while Miss Mary came over to sweep out the room. We had to borrow Jeanice’s flash drive to get the document printed and then send it back. I walked back to my desk during the fifth and sixth periods to grade the papers. I did not see “Yash” come for the session today.

    Waited for the 2M class in the evening. Mr Gill decided to be a fool and didn’t know what the word compromise meant. I had the same test for 2L this morning with 2M. We finished at 2:55. I felt that I should have given out the score for Good King Wenceslas in the next class but it was a good way to make the children label the pitches. We will see what happens next time.

    I decided to remain in the office. I went to the staffroom and waited for Miss and Susan to come back. Finished grading papers at 9 PM in the night.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 4:14 pm)

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