Thursday, October 12, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #43) – Day #196

Date for Entry: (Thursday 12 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (October 2023)

[T1, W:06 – D:28, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    I arrived late to school this morning. Got to the music room feeling sick. Miss Roberts was not parking up when I got there a long while after. I forgot that she told me on Day 3 she would have the Form 3s in there. I went over to wait a while. I had my pie in the ‘lobby’ area watching 2L students with their kiss cake surprise for Miss Gittens before they walked in.

    As soon as I was finished, I went back to get the keyboard. It was heavy but I managed. Mr Bain was still taking a long to finish roll attendance. I even had no attendance reregisters in my folder so I took off running to the office and back. I was completely wet down in my track pants and T-shirt.

    The class began late. I left the keyboard on two vacant desks to back because there was a plug situated there. Sadly, we did not get to use it because class finished two minutes into the third period. This call was given the recorder lesson with a demonstration of posture and also fingering for the pitches G, A, and B. The same lesson was done immediately afterwards in 1F. However, because of the late start again, I finished three minutes late into recess.

    During recess time, I returned to 1M and asked a boy named Rahul to take the names of students who didn’t have a personal copy of the workbook. I remembered as soon as I got to 1F. Thankfully with the rush, a nice girl reminded me to take attendance. Some of the Muslim students who could not do music were in the room with us. I had to yell at one and was still confused as to how that could be. I will have to do my research. Got my keyboard back to the music room with the accompaniment of Mr Smyth from 1L.

    I went to give Miss Gittens her copy of Miss Roberts's exam results for the last academic year. She forgot there was an MMT meeting when I reminded her. We went down the corridor and they told us that it would be postponed to another date. She sat with me in the office and we chatted for a while. I shared a piece of my second pie with her and I showed her the folders that I got for the Form 2s. She gave me a laugh and she said she liked my organisation.

    When She left, I had asked for the Form 2 books to be printed. I had labels to stick on them with the Form 2 children's names and their Form class in red ink marker, which was done yesterday evening after school. The safety officer took the Baptist bell. There was a fire drill. I saw Miss Patel with a handheld mic. The school was evacuated. I stayed with 2F. This time around we did not have any roll books. Some of the MTS were hurrying the children and the teachers were taking their time too going up in the back past the art room. I went back to Block K with 2F and explained how to do the note tree.

    Returning to the office, I got the labels stuck on and walked over immediately back to Block K. I have Avish to distribute 2F and Ansar to hand out the books for 2L. Everyone in 2M had purchased copies of the books. It was lunchtime after leaving Block K. I sat there in the office and waited to see if “Yash” would come by. He didn’t come. Jessie too and the girl didn’t come for the review. How I knew, they would have forgotten.

    Miss Laurance came and had a nice chat with me until Form 1 came to do a make-up test. She preferred to sit on the pregnancy chairs in the ‘waiting area’ so I lent her my table to use. She got 37 of 40 points. The hall was locked so I couldn’t get to practice my “Carol of the Bells” piece that Mr Sharma sent me. They had some kind of choir practice. Just before the end of lunch, Rahul and his colleague from 1M came into the office to see me. He brought back the sheet of paper I gave him and there were two names. He asked me if I would be able to tell him about his mark on the coursework exam and I did. He seemed happily relieved, lol.

    At 1:22pm I was already in the music room. Another girl came to ask if she could do the music exam but I told her that I would only be free until after school. I told her to ask her parents if they would be able to let her do it after school and it seemed impossible. I will wait for Monday just for her. I decided to go to 1L in their Home Room to have class. Students were leaving for their football game in the evening.

    For the remainder of that double period, I corrected the homework on the board. The students were asked to take the listening exercise that they notated in class and transcribe it in music manuscript books. Some of the students did surprisingly well. I did not tell them what I did. I wanted to see what they would do with it since it was their first experience of trying to notate some music. The fourth exercise was sung by me after writing out the solfege and labelling G, A and B on Sol, La and Ti. The test papers were returned and I went through the hard questions in detail. A lot of them were absent today.

    Once the session was finished, I sat on the teacher’s chair and it took me a very long time to leave the building. I couldn’t believe how tired I was. Tok me a very long while to get up and leave. I packed up my bag slowly and the cough all day was hard to battle. The children heard me cough and struggle with it. But thank you, Lord Jesus, for the successful day, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

    I got to the office and asked for the Form 1 booklet to be printed. Only twelve books were needed on my list. I had the labels written up, and booklets stapled and stuck them. I will keep these for when I have class with the Form 1s. While waiting in the staffroom that evening for Susan and “Maria” I fell asleep. Susan had to wake me up when she was leaving to go in the car. I got home and did a lot of whole before my Spanish. I was so tired that I fell asleep on myself during Spanish lessons. Tomorrow is TTUTTA conference. We will not have school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:00 am – 4:27 pm)

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