Friday, September 29, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #41) – Day #187

Date for Entry: (Friday 29 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (September 2023)

[T1, W:04 – D:19, (Td:1)*].

**Pimento bag

Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn with one Georgian. I got into the office feeling a bit sick. I was the only one in there. As soon as I signed, Miss Patel told me that she was looking around for prices for a tenor pan. She heard about a powder-coated pan for $4900.00 and a chrome one from someone else that was for $3900.00

    I went to write my entry for yesterday. A Form 1 student came and gave me a heavy plastic bag of pimentos and a nice hug before leaving to go to her class. I went to the music and got some images drawn and taken for my lesson plan book for the Form 2s.

    I had 1F this morning and they took long. Miss Roberts came at the start of the third period. She told me to keep the children waiting in the lines outside before taking them inside. The full lesson #2 was received by the children. I gave them adhesive labels to stick onto their red books before collecting them. Only four girls did not have their books today. The books were reviewed and returned after during recess time.

    I got the Form 2 rhythm and Conducting exercises printed and divided into the class folders. Miss Roberts couldn’t find her book to tell me the topics that she said were missing from teaching the Form 2s when they were in Form 1.

    Going back into the office Ms Mohammed asked me if I could play a piece of music for them during lunch. They were having a special farewell function for “DD”. I told her that I would have a private class during lunch at 12:30 p.m. when the function should begin. She agreed when I offered to perform a private one in the office after school.

    “Yash” met me in the office. I checked the homework first and then we went into the topics of the day. He had lesson three which was notes and their values. There was a lot of homework because he had some that I saw he did not do. He completed the majority there and the instruments one was to do for homework. I told him that he had to do the research and

    While everyone else was in the library for the “DD’s” farewell function, a lady came into the office to collect her con. Thank God that Miss Chote was able to see about her. The function finished late and the OJTs came in with food and cake in their hands. None for me, lol.

    Waited a while for the students in the music room during the seventh period but they weren’t coming. I went to see Miss Gittens because I didn’t speak to her for the day. I had to leave and go see if 2F came. They were not in the music room so I took my bag and went to their Home Room I was angry at the entrance but they began to explain they were in trouble and didn’t know if to go to the music room or to stay.

    With all of the remaining time, I did three questions from the book and then time was over. I only had fifteen minutes with them. At the end of class, I gave Mr Bishop a picture of my attendance receipt since they said that none of their Form Teachers came to take the roll that evening. I got a tenor pan to the office and played “Jesu Joys of Man’s Desiring” for “DD”. She gave me a nice comment after. The pan was brought back to the music room and I locked it back up. 

    After packing my bags, I shared the brownie I got from the office with Miss Gittens. They probably had a special breakfast for “DD”. I didn’t know and wasn’t invited but that’s okay. Before we left the staffroom to go home, I shared my pimentos with Susan, “Maria”, and Miss.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:38 am – 4:32 pm)

Yesterday: (8:02 am – 3:05 pm)

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