Wednesday, September 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #41) – Day #185

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 27 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (September 2023)

[T1, W:04 – D:17, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    No one was in the in the office this morning. “Marlon” in front of me on the pavement into the compound. I went to the music room and saw two tenor pans and more tables and chairs. There was no sign of Miss Roberts. VAPA should be free at this time or during the first two periods on Day Five. I had a lot of walking up and down the corridor.

    1L came with their homework. Full lesson two was completed. I gave them the rest of the second exercise on page eight to do for homework and showed them the pitches for the white keys of the piano along with the musical alphabet. The students liked how I lifted the keyboard from the stand to the teacher’s table and back.

    After recess was over, 2L took too long to come and then we had to go back to their Home Room because Mr Omar came to do some drilling in the wall. The class was too noisy. We took the full double-period review of the Form 1 exam paper from Term 3. The full paper was revised.

    During lunchtime, “Yash” came late. We had to stop and review more of the same lessons. More review of the treble staff and its pitches was required. We could not do the test planned for today again. I gave him a worksheet to label the pitches on the treble staff. He did some of the work and I gave him the rest of it for homework.

    Daysha was telling everyone that she was leaving. I heard her each of the five times she told everyone outside of the office. I decided to have lunch after lunch in the kitchen. I got word from Miss Gittens that evening that everyone would have clinical supervision for two different classes each on different levels.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:05 pm)

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