Monday, September 18, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #40) – Day #179

Date for Entry: (Monday 18 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 29 September 2023)

[T1, W:03 – D:11, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with two Georgian girls in the mail. I  got up late and thought that I’d be late today. When I was walking in, I saw a truck parked up on the side of the Amin office in front and wondered I it was Mrs Rogers-Small. Miss Santana told me that it could not have been her. It was “Mr. Christian” instead. I got breakfasted out of the way quickly. Cleared out the teaching log information by the time and began to do my Bible chapter by the time. Went to set up the music room for class afterwards.

    The Form 4’s had class in there. I decided to work on my ledger lines chart by the time. The Form 1’s came right on time. This was the first time that I got to teach 1M. We finished the first lesson within the double period. Not sure if this was the class that did not get to do the treble clef drawing during class time in manuscripts.

    At recess, Miss Roberts mentioned to me a time change in the timetable. She said that I would have to take 3F since there is a clash with one of the Form 6 classes (on day 5, periods 7-8). I returned to the music room for my final class of the day.

    I had 2L for the fifth and sixth periods. I left the exam papers in the office without remembering so I started them on the time signatures lesson. The full lesson was received including the in-class exercise that was done and corrected. Homework was the first two exercises in their “Orange book with number 2.” Miss Patel visited Miss Roberts during class time and left. I knew it had to be about that timetable change.

    At the end of the teaching session, before leaving the ‘music room’, Miss Roberts told me that there was no change. She said that they gave her the class at the time she was free. Miss was informed after. Was in the art room and the Home Economics students shared the food that they made with us. I remained at my desk in the office after school. I got my CV printed for submission tomorrow and got another bible chapter completed (Genesis 15). I limmed with Susan and Miss for shuttle duty.

    Anthony did not show up to drop off the letter from the church. Later after my Spanish lesson, I took a bath and put together my documents in order. I separated the documents that were printed already and had another folder for documents that still had to be photocopied in the morning. I was placed in the ruby league tonight after finished my lesson. “Super-Reader” spoke with me and I fell asleep in the middle of the conversation.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 4:00 pm)

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