Thursday, September 21, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #40) – Day #182

Date for Entry: (Thursday 21 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (September 2023)

[T1, W:03 – D:14, (Td:2)*].

**Pic of chocolate.

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had another late start. The seat in the maxi was very uncomfortable. There was a huge tire below the seat and it had me in a bad posture. The driver did not know the housing route so he turned back, drove back up the road and took the left-side backroads. The traffic piled up and it was a longer wait. Some of us in the back could have led the driver but he wouldn’t have listened.

    As soon as  I got to the UTT compound I went up to the music room immediately to put my bags. Mr Earl escorted me there and opened the room. He decided to clean up one time before leaving. I was also told by him that they are not allowed to clean anything that the students leave below the desk including garbage and belongings. I got the date written on the board and then took my blue log book to sign for the morning.

    I had 2M this morning. They were the last for the Form 2’s to get the note on time signatures. 1: came and they had to finish the introduction. I just gave them the pattern for the treble clef drawing to copy into their books. They were given one staff of their manuscript books to do some more. While they were drawing the clefs into their manuscript book, I decided to write out lesson #2 on the board and then have them copy it after they were finished. I took a pass around and the students were good at their drawings.

    For the music alphabet, everyone commented in amazement when they saw that I lifted the keyboard and brought it to the front of the class. I introduced them to the layout of the keyboard and then discussed the music alphabet. I showed them where the pitch A was and they called out the pitches for me. They were amazed at the way I called the order of letters backwards. Afterwards was the labelling of the pitches. Only two or three did not understand. At the end of class, a student gave me a nice little chocolate before leaving. I had it one time on my way to the washroom at recess.

    When I got to my desk, I found a treble clef worksheet that I was looking for. In the music room, the adapter for the keyboard was not there. I was glad that I did not have to use sound anymore but it might have made a better impact for the students.

    Once recess was over, I had 2F. It’s not nice having a class the day after. It does not give them time to study or prepare the work properly for the next class. Too noisy as usual and we went through the homework. I gave them the note tree to draw and label it in both British and American ‘Fraction names’, along with the number of minim beats each note received.

    It took a long while to get back to the office. ‘Doctor’ found me in the corridor and asked me to play the St. George’s college song next week on Friday. I did not realise lunchtime went by so quickly. The place got so quiet all of a sudden. When I got copies for Miss Gittens along with 200 copies of lead sheets for the St. George’s College Song. I divided all of them up into the six classes that I was teaching and had them shared.

    Aunty Vangy took me out on an out-dinner and grocery trip as we try to do each month. It was the first time going to Tru-Value. Some of the prices were amazing there. I also met Miss Ramsaran around minutes to seven there too in the back. It only had alcoholic wine in the wine section but I guess they put the non-alcoholic in the back as the best for last, lol.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:56 am – 3:23 pm)

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