Tuesday, September 19, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #40) – Day #180

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 19 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 29 September 2023)

[T1, W:03 – D:12, (Td:06)*].

**Picture of Application Submission

Dear Diary,

    This morning was an early one for sure. I got ready to go to Vashni’s Store with Daddy to get photocopies. We headed down to Port of Spain to get to the Ministry of Education. I said my prayer to have a  smooth process and that this time all of the documents would be acceptable.

    As soon as I  signed and entered the clerk at the desk told me where to go. Only two persons were in front of me. One lady came after me and they took her first before me. Soon after that, the entire sitting area began to be filled up. I met Rondez there and Naveen too. I also saw Mrs. Sawh there in the building by the Secondary section with her husband. They didn’t see me.

    A nice lady handled my documents. Some of the certifications that were asked me on the form were not necessary for the submission the lady told me. She also did not need the CV that I got printed. Naveen left and I was given a sheet of paper as a receipt and was also told to have UWI forward the official transcript to the Ministry.

    Daddy and I left the compound. I felt very accomplished and happy after. We took a long walk in the hot sun through the streets after to get to Daddy’s favourite watch store. His watch had stopped working. When we got to the place it was bared up and a sign was hanging up saying that they had moved the store to Nicolas Towers. Daddy didn’t want to go all the way over there so we went to Churches to get brunch. We took our time there and then headed up to Curepe.

    In Curepe back on the street, my bookbag fell into the street drain. I had to send it back home to wash. No classes were timetabled for me today. It was the best opportunity to go today. I was looking forward to the Church’s letter but I hope that these documents taken today were good enough and satisfactory.

    I got Aunty Fazeela’s number after getting back into school and communicated with her to work out the arrangements for getting UWI to forward the transcript to the Ministry. She sent a form for me to fill out for examinations and I had it sent over to her along with a scanned copy.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(10:42 am – 3:55 pm)

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