Wednesday, September 6, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #38) – Day #171

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 06 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 23 September 2023)

[T1, W:01 – D:03, (Td:3)*].

** Macrame and Knitting

Dear Diary,

    I had a late morning. I saw “Sagaboy-Andy” while waiting in the maxi to go down to Valsayn. Didn’t know he was a loud laugher. I walked into Valsayn with Daysha in the maxi too. Didn’t know she was behind me in the back. As I entered the gates, I was greeted by the four guards from Monday.

    I signed and went to see Miss. No sign of Miss Roberts from the road or for the day. They had class so I handed in the labels that Mis wanted me to do and worked on Genesis 9 in the staffroom. After that long process of working, I decided to go and get lunch out of the way in the kitchen. They had an MMT meeting going on and were shouting all of a sudden. The noise stretched for the full building to hear.

    We had a short party for Miss Lousha in the art room until the end of lunchtime. She didn’t come yesterday for her birthday. Miss Mustapha, Dr Blandin-Maharaj, Mr Charles, Janice and I were there with one student. I left with the other teachers and went back to my bible reading. It was only after shuttle time  I got my bags and handed Miss Lousha the macrame and knitting gift that I got for her.

    The timetables were also printed this afternoon and I got Miss Paul’s one. There were plans to bring back students to school and they had no supervision. I  did not like the sight of my Days 2 and 3 at all. God, please give me the energy and mighty to go forth. I don't have help from many humans. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(10:12 am – 4:01 pm)

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