Tuesday, March 28, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #25) – Day #110

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 28 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 03 April 2023)

[T2, W:13 – D:56*].

**George’s Canteen pass

Dear Diary,

    One Georgian to come down in the maxi with me this morning. Students were going on a field trip. I saw a few teachers dressed up and got the trip also. Plenty of copies were to be done by Miss Mustapha and the science people. Yesterday she told me that she found the last batch of exam papers and she stapled them around 7:30 am. ‘Kelly’ saw me and asked me about her assignment grade. I told her about my pencil case situation and that I wouldn’t be able to tell until I tallied everything up.

    After having breakfast, I made a spin in each of the three Form 1 classes. Some of the students were done. I got one lip-sing assignment done that morning from 1L and 1F. Miss Patel met me back in the office and asked me about my pencil case. She said that she saw one and remembered seeing it somewhere here. As soon as I told her that I misplaced mine she said that she had it for me since Friday. Even she too mentioned that she felt the same about losing a pencil case.

    I remembered helping her carry the student’s books from 1M after their music exam to her desk on Friday but didn’t know it was kept for me. I felt relieved to have gotten it back. I had to search for the chair I left the books for her first. I went to the library from there to insert marks from the recorder assessment and lip-sing slips into the mark sheets from all of Friday, yesterday and the spin this morning. I had a lot of fun completing this exercise. Miss Jaikaran loved the logo I had made for my DAPHA projects.

    When I got back to the office, I had my timesheet filled up so that Friday would not be too much of a rush and I did not do anything for it during the weekend because of my pencil case misplacement. Later that same evening, just after lunchtime in the office, Jesse found me and asked that he could do his lip-sing assignment. I got my handle bag and went over to his classroom. He too was nervous being in front of the members present and had asked to use the private room to the back of their ‘classroom’. We had some issues with Wi-Fi but everything was okay.

When this was completed and back at the office, I met two students after some time. One was by ‘Anoushka’ from 1L and Miss James. I had a recorder assessment dome by Miss James outside of the library. When I asked about the lip-sing assignment she was not ready and I wished I had kept the slips that I had for her. She had to do it but would not be coming tomorrow when I asked.

    When school was finished, I met with ‘Anoushka’ and she sat near the café to do her recorder assessment. I had her help me carry the bookstand back outside. She laughed when she asked for her mark. It was totalled. She was also willing to do her lip-sing assignment and was still nervous and ashamed to do it in the corridor. She was comfortable doing it in her empty classroom. That was it after the marking was completed. I had a late-night baking cake and ants took over one.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 3:55 pm) 

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