Tuesday, March 14, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #23) – Day #100

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 14th March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 18th March 2023)

[T2, W:11 – D:46*].

Dear Diary,

    Late with one Georgian student in the maxi. It was the first front seat in a long while from ‘Arthur’ and I was very afraid. I had breakfast quickly in time for class. There were a lot of difficulties with the coldness in the office today and the cold. I had 1L marks transferred while our girls from 1L sat in the waiting area to see the Vice Principal.

    I had to do another day with the Form 5s because their in-class marking was going to be done today instead. It was another day of struggling in that cold room. I worked with them alone until Miss Roberts could show up at lunchtime.

    I got ‘Jayvon’ to open the music room for me. Mis Roberts was late. She was coming to do a performance assessment of a group arrangement done by the Form 5 students before lunchtime. We all spent the entire morning going through the piece.

    I had individual sessions with each of the five students. The Tenor pan girl was late and she had a lot of work to do for her part. I worked with her for some time and the other girl on double tenor. There was an issue with dotted crochet to quaver rhythmic patterns.

    I taught the five students how a conductor would signal courts of three but reminded them that during the actual exam, they would not have one. Several attempts were made. We did this practice in small selections of bars chosen by me to assist the girl on the tenor pan and the girl on the double tenor pan. I also had to demonstrate how rolling on notes had to be done to four of the students.

    During lunchtime, I had to send back some of the students to do the rest makeup exam. The assessment was about to begin. Miss Roberts showed me what the mark sheet looked like and I tried to make some of them separate from what Miss Roberts did on her sheet of paper.

    As I got back into the office, I met with Ms St. Louis and she said that during lunchtime someone had a birthday cake in class and the students covered each other’s faces. It took up all of the seventh period. In the short remaining thirty-five minutes, I was too sick to teach. I still reviewed stem directions with 1F and could not do the Lip-Sing assignment again.  


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Today: (7:51 am – 3:32 pm)

Yesterday (Day #99): (7:42 am – 4:16 pm)

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