Tuesday, March 21, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #105

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 21 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:51*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had a long challenge trying to wake up. Had to finish the journal entry in my pocket diary for the events of yesterday for this music journal. Miss Leiba at my entry to the office this morning said that Miss Gittens would be absent for the day.

    I met Miss Roberts to sign early. She invited me to moderate for the Form 5 students. I could not remember the name of the lady coming to do the moderation. The five students had to play their solo piece, the scale used from the song and the arpeggio. This process did not take long and we had enough time to meet up with Miss Jones at 9:00 am for the Form 2 music exam.

    When I entered the class and stood before the seated student Miss Harris came in and said that she would be sitting in the exam with me. She did not stay when the majority handed up. I stayed back with Mr Jobe until he could finish. As soon as I returned to the music room, I set the exam papers on the desk but Miss Roberts said that I could take them to grade them.

    Before Leaving the music room, I took out my whiteboard marker to restructure the academic year of work for the Form 1s to update the materials/textbook that I made for them. The Upper 6 students were setting up the room to prepare for their moderation the next day. I had to ask Miss Roberts for an answer sheet. She took a blank exam and wrote out the answers for me.

    From the layout that I made for the entire academic year, she said that there was no festivity in the third term so there would not be a project. She said, “it would be up to [me] if I wanted to give them something and that would be fine.” She did not keep track of time so she was not able to tell me how many weeks there were in each of the three terms.

    While entering the office again, Miss Briggs had an issue with the Form 1 paper and images not being printed out. I took the whole night trying to fix what she did to the Visual Arts Exam that I had made and then fix the images she was not getting through with. I printed a copy from my computer and placed it into my bookbag to carry the next day.

    Today the Form 1s were not in school since they had a free/revise day. I took home the form 2 music exam and it took me four hours to go through marking and grading the full class. Sleep for me was after one in the morning. God, please help me to wake up in the morning.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:51 am – 3:36 pm)

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