Friday, March 24, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #108

 Date for Entry: (Friday 24 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:54*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    No Georgians were in the maxi today. Tyrell was on the same ride as me. We walked into the compound together. Many of the Form 1s were present on the compound and I was feeling excited because my music exam was to be done today.

    Miss Patel and Mr Mario were sitting in the waiting area chatting. I shared the newly amended incident form that I fixed again the night before and they had given me some more. I did like the suggestion. They were also able to provide some more details about improving some of the others that I made.

    While having breakfast, they were short of one teacher this morning. The Doctor asked me to go and supervise the Form 1 exam. It was literature. I rushed it down and went over to the 1M classroom. Miss Patel met me some minutes after with the papers. Some students finished in time. I remembered to carry my stapler but it did not have many staples. It did not take the full two hours. The students were done early. I had to wait on three.

    As I got back to the desk, the time was 10:25 am. I tried to hurry down the corrections that I need to make for this evening’s music exam with the Form 1s. Miss Roberts should call and hurried me up and asked that I walk down to the music room. I told her about my disagreement with the way the supervision of exams was ‘structured’. We had to supervise another Theatre Arts exam for Miss Jones. I was given 2M and the amount of indiscipline was horrible. Too much to describe and write down on paper. This exam finished at 11:50 after two students remained.

    Getting back into the office before I could even sit down, three students from 1F came to visit me. They had their recorders in their hands and I was very happy. I handed one of the students my bookstand and I got my purple folder with forms to do the assessment. I had thirteen students in all. Six of them were around me. Five more from 1F came and then Matthew and Nathaniel came. That was a very exciting and happy lunchtime I had as a first.  

    As soon as I got back into the office, I did not realise that the whole lunchtime had passed. I had exactly five minutes before 1:00 pm when the Form 1 music exam would come. Miss Roberts came hurrying me up again and I did not like it. Miss Jones had sadly bailed out on us and we were short of one person to do the third Form 1 class. I saw Daysha coming out of the office to supervise. Probably it was a makeup for this morning.

    Miss Patel was sorry for me because I had been through everything the whole day and did not get time for myself. She asked if I wanted someone else to come fill in for me and I told her that I would do the exam again. I supervised 1M again this morning. I saw Miss Jones from the classroom window as she was about to leave the compound during the exam. The class finished very early around 1:55 pm.

    I went to check in 1F with Miss Roberts supervising them. They seemed happy to see me. Miss Roberts told me that she would be taking that batch to grade out. I did not like hearing that and would have preferred to take all at home and grade them over the weekend. She did not let the papers go so I will have to wait until next week to go and regrade all the papers. She got out of the ‘music room’ and so we just waited for the guard to come open for us.

    I had a short wait with Daysha trying to get two students to finish their test. I went back to the office to cool down for the day. Miss Patel met me again. Sometime after three in the afternoon, Doctor had to get something in Miss Chote’s office. She saw me and spoke to me as she went in. She said that she had a meeting with a parent earlier and they said that they like the way I’m teaching. She did not remember the name of the child.

    As she stood by the side of my desk, she remembered the time that I asked to speak which was on the first day of this term. We had a very brief discussion on some of the forms that I had created over. I tried to see how best she could advise me on the new amendments that I did. There was something for signatures that a teacher or dean could sign which did require a principal signature that she mentioned.

    One that might have to change was the “School’s Numbers & Population” form that I tried to do straight from the school’s original one. I might have to make it complete to suit some of the needs that were suggested to be in the form. I was also invited to speak at a meeting but she asked if I was willing to speak at the Management meeting or the Staff meeting. I asked for the staff meeting and she said that it would be fine and to prepare for it on Friday.

    Someone came and took her attention to another matter. I couldn’t do anything after this day had been completed. I fell asleep at six and woke up at eight. Did some work until one in the morning and went to bed.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – 4:54 pm)

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