Monday, March 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #25) – Day #109

Date for Entry: (Monday 27 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 03 April 2023)

[T2, W:13 – D:55*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to the Valsayn campus with two Georgians. ‘Flare’ was in the office about something that arose on Friday morning. I remember two 1M boys came to visit me but as soon as I said the words “Recorder Assessment” they backed away and ran out the door immediately.

    Some time passed by and I decided to give walking from class to class. I had a feeling that they would not think about coming to the office. There was good participation from 1F and 1M. I had only one student alone for the recorder assessment in 1L. Jesse didn’t show up for Lip-Sing again.

    Sitting in the art room, I did the Form 2 multiple-choice grading and was then taught how to do percentage (total/overall points*100) to put on the cover pages before it was entered into the mark book.

    Miss Noel came to meet me and she had to do the make-up exam that she missed on Friday. I saw in the specialist room with her as she did the entire exam. When she was done, I took my red ink pen and graded it there. She earned 87 out of 90 points. I showed her the mistakes made and then entered the marks for her in my mark sheet. I just hope that the two remaining girls would come to school and do their makeup exams too. Sadly, I still did not find my pencil case.

    Later that morning, I went to the security guard to speak with Corporal ‘Gloria’. I told her about my missing pencil case and she too agreed that when you lose your pencil case that it is like losing everything. We searched the whole music room but it was nowhere in sight. I thought I might just have to get a new one. Later that evening I sat and limed with the two friends again and got a ride up to Curepe. Miss said that she would not be there the next day.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:57 pm)

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