Friday, March 31, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #25) – Day #113

 Date for Entry: (Friday 31 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 03 April 2023)

[T2, W:13 – D:59*]


Dear Diary,

    This morning I came to the Valsayn compound alone to see three Form 1 students by the guard booth and they had to get their parents to go back home. I saw the same happen to Sanjay but he said that his father’s friend came to pick him up. We all laughed in the office.

    Suddenly Miss Roberts showed up in a rush behind me. She said that she would be taking over Form 1 teaching. She would like me to work on exam assessments for each test that we do next term. I opened up the laptop and we got the numbers for coursework and final exams for the Form 1s uploaded. 'Doctor' came in late while we were doing it.

    As soon as all of the numbers were in, she got up and left for the meeting. I packed up my things to go to the meeting in the library. We are working on some of the comments. It honestly took a lot of time to insert comments and grading for diligence, progress, and behaviour for each student. The staff meeting ended up becoming restless and broke out into a large quarrel and argument about stolen money and no accountability.

    I had a chat with Doctor in her office and met someone for a good chat. The timesheet was due and I ran out of time but was able to hurry it down quickly for Isekel to carry out. The meeting needed some time I had lost track of time too.

    I went outside and had a call with St. Mary’s College. There was a gentleman who answered the telephone and as soon as I responded with the purpose of my request to visit the school, he said that he was the acting Principal. When I heard about their schedule, I asked him if it was possible for the meeting to be the following week when everyone would be present on the compound. Had a longer stay in school that evening to recuperate. Felt to fall down later that day.


  • Email for Staff Meeting (Picture). [Permit not Granted]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 4:02 pm)

Day #112 – (: am – : pm)

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #25) – Day #111

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 29 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 03 April 2023)

[T2, W:13 – D:57*].

Books f Georges and St. Mary’s

Dear Diary,

    Came to school with Tyrell and we walked into the compound again. I shared the story of the Form recreations that I was doing. I had some of them printed by him also since it was the two of us in the office alone. I knew that today was the last day of school and that not many students would be there on the compound. I still gave whoever was there a chance to do something.

    On my stroll through the Form 1 classes, only ‘Bestie’ had her recorder assessment to do in 1F. She struggled and some of us helped her before she did the actual trial. She was not wanting to do the lip-sing after the hard try. I left for the other classes.

    There was a party for the clerk in the office. I came late after going through the three classes. We had sandwiches for breakfast. Everyone didn’t eat like me too as I heard them complaining. The sandwich was like an oil lake but it was good still. Had to be careful with the grease soaking up my clothing. I had a joke with Isekel that they brought alcohol to school in the form of cake. I took one scoop of ice cream. It was different to some of the cookies and cream that I had.

    As soon as the party was over, I went up to the art room to find somewhere calm to do work. They had a hard fete in the hall as fundraising for the graduation and graduation ball. I took the time short time that I had to fix the lettering for the pitches in the St. Mary’s College Song scores. Had to go back to the office to get the scores emailed to Isa.

    Sometime later, I got a ride out with Miss Santana and we spoke about a lot of topics getting through the traffic to Curepe terminal. She said that she would not be there tomorrow. Daddy and I met right there and we went up to Isa. He had an issue with one of the printers and tried to get the books printed. We spent two hours in the store to get the page printed and sorted. I also had time to complete my mark sheet there while waiting. Aunty Vangy took me to Dabadie that night for the holiday.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 4:15 pm)

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #25) – Day #110

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 28 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 03 April 2023)

[T2, W:13 – D:56*].

**George’s Canteen pass

Dear Diary,

    One Georgian to come down in the maxi with me this morning. Students were going on a field trip. I saw a few teachers dressed up and got the trip also. Plenty of copies were to be done by Miss Mustapha and the science people. Yesterday she told me that she found the last batch of exam papers and she stapled them around 7:30 am. ‘Kelly’ saw me and asked me about her assignment grade. I told her about my pencil case situation and that I wouldn’t be able to tell until I tallied everything up.

    After having breakfast, I made a spin in each of the three Form 1 classes. Some of the students were done. I got one lip-sing assignment done that morning from 1L and 1F. Miss Patel met me back in the office and asked me about my pencil case. She said that she saw one and remembered seeing it somewhere here. As soon as I told her that I misplaced mine she said that she had it for me since Friday. Even she too mentioned that she felt the same about losing a pencil case.

    I remembered helping her carry the student’s books from 1M after their music exam to her desk on Friday but didn’t know it was kept for me. I felt relieved to have gotten it back. I had to search for the chair I left the books for her first. I went to the library from there to insert marks from the recorder assessment and lip-sing slips into the mark sheets from all of Friday, yesterday and the spin this morning. I had a lot of fun completing this exercise. Miss Jaikaran loved the logo I had made for my DAPHA projects.

    When I got back to the office, I had my timesheet filled up so that Friday would not be too much of a rush and I did not do anything for it during the weekend because of my pencil case misplacement. Later that same evening, just after lunchtime in the office, Jesse found me and asked that he could do his lip-sing assignment. I got my handle bag and went over to his classroom. He too was nervous being in front of the members present and had asked to use the private room to the back of their ‘classroom’. We had some issues with Wi-Fi but everything was okay.

When this was completed and back at the office, I met two students after some time. One was by ‘Anoushka’ from 1L and Miss James. I had a recorder assessment dome by Miss James outside of the library. When I asked about the lip-sing assignment she was not ready and I wished I had kept the slips that I had for her. She had to do it but would not be coming tomorrow when I asked.

    When school was finished, I met with ‘Anoushka’ and she sat near the cafĂ© to do her recorder assessment. I had her help me carry the bookstand back outside. She laughed when she asked for her mark. It was totalled. She was also willing to do her lip-sing assignment and was still nervous and ashamed to do it in the corridor. She was comfortable doing it in her empty classroom. That was it after the marking was completed. I had a late-night baking cake and ants took over one.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 3:55 pm) 

Monday, March 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #25) – Day #109

Date for Entry: (Monday 27 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 03 April 2023)

[T2, W:13 – D:55*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to the Valsayn campus with two Georgians. ‘Flare’ was in the office about something that arose on Friday morning. I remember two 1M boys came to visit me but as soon as I said the words “Recorder Assessment” they backed away and ran out the door immediately.

    Some time passed by and I decided to give walking from class to class. I had a feeling that they would not think about coming to the office. There was good participation from 1F and 1M. I had only one student alone for the recorder assessment in 1L. Jesse didn’t show up for Lip-Sing again.

    Sitting in the art room, I did the Form 2 multiple-choice grading and was then taught how to do percentage (total/overall points*100) to put on the cover pages before it was entered into the mark book.

    Miss Noel came to meet me and she had to do the make-up exam that she missed on Friday. I saw in the specialist room with her as she did the entire exam. When she was done, I took my red ink pen and graded it there. She earned 87 out of 90 points. I showed her the mistakes made and then entered the marks for her in my mark sheet. I just hope that the two remaining girls would come to school and do their makeup exams too. Sadly, I still did not find my pencil case.

    Later that morning, I went to the security guard to speak with Corporal ‘Gloria’. I told her about my missing pencil case and she too agreed that when you lose your pencil case that it is like losing everything. We searched the whole music room but it was nowhere in sight. I thought I might just have to get a new one. Later that evening I sat and limed with the two friends again and got a ride up to Curepe. Miss said that she would not be there the next day.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:57 pm)

Friday, March 24, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #108

 Date for Entry: (Friday 24 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:54*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    No Georgians were in the maxi today. Tyrell was on the same ride as me. We walked into the compound together. Many of the Form 1s were present on the compound and I was feeling excited because my music exam was to be done today.

    Miss Patel and Mr Mario were sitting in the waiting area chatting. I shared the newly amended incident form that I fixed again the night before and they had given me some more. I did like the suggestion. They were also able to provide some more details about improving some of the others that I made.

    While having breakfast, they were short of one teacher this morning. The Doctor asked me to go and supervise the Form 1 exam. It was literature. I rushed it down and went over to the 1M classroom. Miss Patel met me some minutes after with the papers. Some students finished in time. I remembered to carry my stapler but it did not have many staples. It did not take the full two hours. The students were done early. I had to wait on three.

    As I got back to the desk, the time was 10:25 am. I tried to hurry down the corrections that I need to make for this evening’s music exam with the Form 1s. Miss Roberts should call and hurried me up and asked that I walk down to the music room. I told her about my disagreement with the way the supervision of exams was ‘structured’. We had to supervise another Theatre Arts exam for Miss Jones. I was given 2M and the amount of indiscipline was horrible. Too much to describe and write down on paper. This exam finished at 11:50 after two students remained.

    Getting back into the office before I could even sit down, three students from 1F came to visit me. They had their recorders in their hands and I was very happy. I handed one of the students my bookstand and I got my purple folder with forms to do the assessment. I had thirteen students in all. Six of them were around me. Five more from 1F came and then Matthew and Nathaniel came. That was a very exciting and happy lunchtime I had as a first.  

    As soon as I got back into the office, I did not realise that the whole lunchtime had passed. I had exactly five minutes before 1:00 pm when the Form 1 music exam would come. Miss Roberts came hurrying me up again and I did not like it. Miss Jones had sadly bailed out on us and we were short of one person to do the third Form 1 class. I saw Daysha coming out of the office to supervise. Probably it was a makeup for this morning.

    Miss Patel was sorry for me because I had been through everything the whole day and did not get time for myself. She asked if I wanted someone else to come fill in for me and I told her that I would do the exam again. I supervised 1M again this morning. I saw Miss Jones from the classroom window as she was about to leave the compound during the exam. The class finished very early around 1:55 pm.

    I went to check in 1F with Miss Roberts supervising them. They seemed happy to see me. Miss Roberts told me that she would be taking that batch to grade out. I did not like hearing that and would have preferred to take all at home and grade them over the weekend. She did not let the papers go so I will have to wait until next week to go and regrade all the papers. She got out of the ‘music room’ and so we just waited for the guard to come open for us.

    I had a short wait with Daysha trying to get two students to finish their test. I went back to the office to cool down for the day. Miss Patel met me again. Sometime after three in the afternoon, Doctor had to get something in Miss Chote’s office. She saw me and spoke to me as she went in. She said that she had a meeting with a parent earlier and they said that they like the way I’m teaching. She did not remember the name of the child.

    As she stood by the side of my desk, she remembered the time that I asked to speak which was on the first day of this term. We had a very brief discussion on some of the forms that I had created over. I tried to see how best she could advise me on the new amendments that I did. There was something for signatures that a teacher or dean could sign which did require a principal signature that she mentioned.

    One that might have to change was the “School’s Numbers & Population” form that I tried to do straight from the school’s original one. I might have to make it complete to suit some of the needs that were suggested to be in the form. I was also invited to speak at a meeting but she asked if I was willing to speak at the Management meeting or the Staff meeting. I asked for the staff meeting and she said that it would be fine and to prepare for it on Friday.

    Someone came and took her attention to another matter. I couldn’t do anything after this day had been completed. I fell asleep at six and woke up at eight. Did some work until one in the morning and went to bed.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – 4:54 pm)

Thursday, March 23, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #107

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 23 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:53*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    Another tough morning to wake up. There was one Georgian with me in the maxi to get to Valsayn. Not many OJTs were around as yet. Miss Shaw came to ask for the Form 3 music exam but I had to let her know that Miss Roberts still had all. The office remained quiet for the morning while I had breakfast. That was a strange experience because it is not so quiet every day.

    Miss Briggs went to staple the Form 2 Visual Arts papers that also set. They added a blank sheet of paper to the back. I had the Form 2 papers returned to Miss Roberts and told her about doing the multiple-choice papers only. She said it was fine and that she had the other classes finished. I was given 2F to supervise the Visual Arts exam and Mr Cape was too much to deal with.

    I could not find Miss Gittens so I left the papers on her desk in the Block C staffroom for her. She found me doing this journal entry in the office. Four girl students that don’t study found me and I was very angry before they tell me anything because I knew they were not prepared and coming to ask for a last-minute miracle that cannot be done.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 4:46 pm)

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #106

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 22 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:52*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    I came with two Georgians in the maxi. It was one of the Form 1s that I teach. No one had signed in the OJT book as yet. I met Miss Briggs as she came in and we spoke about the tough work I went through last night. She could not get the exam printed that morning because the office ran out of paper. The clerk had to go down to St. George’s to get them.

    As I sat and ate breakfast, there was no sign of Miss Roberts and the moderator for Form 6s came in early at about fifteen minutes to nine. There was a lot of plenty fire burning in the nearby surroundings again. Sadly, teachers were saying that the firefighters would only come I it was a serious matter. I had to escape being in front of the school because the cough was not going to treat me well. I took my stuff to the library to work on the Form 1 book.

    I spent three hours in the library working, I went to help them staple the Form 1 Visual Arts exam in the art room. I had to leave them because Miss Jones was trying to fix up her Theatre Arts exam and Music exam for the Form 3s. Somehow there was a mix-up in the timetable and they moved the VAPA exams for Form 3s today. I had to take the papers while the Form 6 moderation was going on. It was another music multiple choice exam but some of the students had difficulty understanding the smudged printing.

    During the third session of exams, Miss Gittens asked me to invigilate 1L. I saw Miss Pope in there and waiting for someone to take over because she was sick. I thank God that when I am sick, I could continue just like mommy did and not complain. During that test, ‘Twinkle’ made three scenes. That was the first time getting to us the irregularities part of the examination cover page.

    It took me 3 hours that night to grade and mark the 3F and Form 2 papers. I only did the multiple-choice part in the Form 3 paper and left the other section for miss to do.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 3:27 pm)

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #105

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 21 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:51*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had a long challenge trying to wake up. Had to finish the journal entry in my pocket diary for the events of yesterday for this music journal. Miss Leiba at my entry to the office this morning said that Miss Gittens would be absent for the day.

    I met Miss Roberts to sign early. She invited me to moderate for the Form 5 students. I could not remember the name of the lady coming to do the moderation. The five students had to play their solo piece, the scale used from the song and the arpeggio. This process did not take long and we had enough time to meet up with Miss Jones at 9:00 am for the Form 2 music exam.

    When I entered the class and stood before the seated student Miss Harris came in and said that she would be sitting in the exam with me. She did not stay when the majority handed up. I stayed back with Mr Jobe until he could finish. As soon as I returned to the music room, I set the exam papers on the desk but Miss Roberts said that I could take them to grade them.

    Before Leaving the music room, I took out my whiteboard marker to restructure the academic year of work for the Form 1s to update the materials/textbook that I made for them. The Upper 6 students were setting up the room to prepare for their moderation the next day. I had to ask Miss Roberts for an answer sheet. She took a blank exam and wrote out the answers for me.

    From the layout that I made for the entire academic year, she said that there was no festivity in the third term so there would not be a project. She said, “it would be up to [me] if I wanted to give them something and that would be fine.” She did not keep track of time so she was not able to tell me how many weeks there were in each of the three terms.

    While entering the office again, Miss Briggs had an issue with the Form 1 paper and images not being printed out. I took the whole night trying to fix what she did to the Visual Arts Exam that I had made and then fix the images she was not getting through with. I printed a copy from my computer and placed it into my bookbag to carry the next day.

    Today the Form 1s were not in school since they had a free/revise day. I took home the form 2 music exam and it took me four hours to go through marking and grading the full class. Sleep for me was after one in the morning. God, please help me to wake up in the morning.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:51 am – 3:36 pm)

Monday, March 20, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #24) – Day #104

 Date for Entry: (Monday 20 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:12 – D:50*].

**Exam Timetable

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day of exams. I came down to school in the maxi with two Georgians. I looked over the Form 1 music exam that I created. Aunty Vangy sent me two things to correct. I was glad that the day was short. I had a lot of battling with this sickness. Not sure why it is not going. There was still a lot of shortage for teachers to supervise the exams.

    During the day, just before recess, I had the Form 2 Visual Arts exam emailed to Janice to fix it in the way they wanted it. The Form 3 Visual Arts paper was printed and the three of us stapled them together. This was done four minutes before the actual exam began. Miss Gittens and Miss Briggs went to supervise their exams upstairs.

    I waited for the Form 2 and Form 3 Music papers to finish print. She had a Form 5 practice test for paper one. I stapled all the Form 2 papers and then helped the two Form 6 students staple the Form 3 papers in Miss Roberts’ office in the music room. She asked for prints for me to make them. The same Form 5 students would be having their Paper 3 moderation tomorrow.

    I had fun chatting with Miss Gittens and Miss Lieba after school with the shuttle. I took the time to create the dots chart for the Form 1s. It was certainly a lot of hard work to do in three hours no matter how tired I was but it was beautiful.


  • Dots Chart. **


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:29 am – 4:13 pm)

Friday, March 17, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #23) – Day #103

 Date for Entry: (Friday 17 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 April 2023)

[T2, W:11 – D:49*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had the rest on rest shared out in 1L. One Lip-sing assignment was done by three students. Usually, I would allow two students but I just let them go ahead. I also got my first two recorder assessments done on request by Mr Hayne & Warner. I also had those marks transferred onto the new assessment mark sheet that I made. I had the lip-singing mark sheet amended but the change did not feel nice. I wished I had kept it the way it was previously.

    Later that day I worked on Form 1 and 2 papers with Miss Gittens. There were two images to add. Jesse was not prepared by the time I checked him on at lunchtime. I had one performance in 1F from ‘Matty’. Mr Dass was postponed until after exams.

    Two recorder assessments were done on request. I took more time after school to enter the marks in my mark sheet along with the pending subject register attendance to do. I felt really sick this afternoon again. Had to wait to cool down before I could get up and walk out the road.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:20 am – 4:38 pm)

Thursday, March 16, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #23) – Day #102

Date for Entry: (Thursday 16th March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 18th March 2023)

[T2, W:11 – D:48*].

Dear Diary,

    The fight with the cold and cough wasn’t easy at all. As soon as I got into the office this morning, I got my bag packs and dashed off to 1M. I had the students pack up their bags, got the rest exam distributed and they began. We all needed the rest of the double period to get the entire paper completed. I did a reminder of the topic for their final exam as it was my last class with them and reminded them of the recorder and the continued marking of the Lip-Sing assignment after their exam on Friday 24 March 2023.

    As soon as I came out of 1M and to the door of Block C, I met ‘Varry’ and ‘Perry’ asking about the makeup test that they did not come to do yesterday. I also met ‘Bernie’ and ‘Ace’ coming to the staffroom to get a Library pass signed. I had never signed one before and they were begging me to do it. I sat on the stairs and filled it out for them. I heard an amazed sound from them when they saw me sign my signature.

    Once it was signed, I waited outside their classroom door and we all walked over to the library. Dass and ‘Matty’ came to do the test for fun and extra practice. Both students were done by recess. We had to move out of the library at the start of the fourth period because they were expecting a class. I had broken one of my rulings about never bringing my mark sheet to a classroom. I could remember ‘Perry’ with his concern about failing music and wanted an estimation of what he might get at the end of the term.

    We had a lot of internet trouble. During lunchtime, I was met by Sanjay to do his Lip-Singing assignment. The classroom was very silent for once. I sat there in the class with the other students that created his audience. Jesse did not bring his book. I feel like he will continue to forget and the deadline for my teaching time will cross.

    During the seventh period, I was pushed by Miss Chote to supervise with 2F as I was re-entering my marks into a new mark sheet for the Lip-Sing assignment. I saw Mr Ali colouring a picture and some of them listened to the composition I made on YouTube. The school would have finished a long while and the room was so comfortable that I had only four papers from the Form 1 Rest test this morning to grade out.

    'Mr. Eric’ would have had to come in to let me know when it was time to lock the classroom up. I met Miss Chote again when she spoke about the supervision before leaving. It was interesting. I had a nice chat with ‘Miss Gloria’ as she sat waiting to see the principal. She got to see some of the charts that I had made for them. As I got home, I forgot that today would have marked mommy’s second year of death.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:24 am – 4:42 pm)

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #23) – Day #101

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 15th March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 18th March 2023)

[T2, W:11 – D:47*].

**Pillow Design Sketch – “God’s Love”

Dear Diary,

    I saw Miss Gittens earlier this morning walking into the office. We had a review of the Form 1 Visual Arts exam. We needed some more questions to come up with 100%. I also got a pillow casing in turquoise that I wanted.

    I was added to an art therapy group and the pill casing designs were my first project. We had to come up with a design based on the theme of love. I saw a picture of Miss Mary smiling at me and I had my idea. I did not draw out my idea because I knew it would have been too much work to do on that Saturday 11th day of March ‘in the other hot Sun’.

    I went to the ‘Music Room’ for the Form 2 class. It was one of my favourites, 2F. I learned that they were supposed to be taught by Miss Paul. I would have to side with the students when they said that they had no teaching at all for Form 1. I was also hearing Miss Roberts in the classroom reviewing Grade 2 Time Signatures and the students were struggling. I could tell that the exam I whipped up in two nights would be difficult for them.

    When the class was over; Ms Noel came to do her makeup exam. It was the test on rests and she did well. I took the time to work on my pillow casing design in pencil. There was a lot of text from the bible scripture I found for the design. I was worried that pace would be the issue but thankfully the space was exact.

    I took it back to show Miss as soon as I was over and she was glad. We had more review on Multiple choice questions for the Form 2 Visual Arts exam. I left for the office because some students were coming for the make-up exam. We had it in the library because there was no other place to go. I also had a good study on notes, rest and dots with notes and rests. He did the rest exam during periods seven and eight. I gave him some work to start on in the booklet that I made for them.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – 4:08 pm)

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #23) – Day #100

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 14th March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 18th March 2023)

[T2, W:11 – D:46*].

Dear Diary,

    Late with one Georgian student in the maxi. It was the first front seat in a long while from ‘Arthur’ and I was very afraid. I had breakfast quickly in time for class. There were a lot of difficulties with the coldness in the office today and the cold. I had 1L marks transferred while our girls from 1L sat in the waiting area to see the Vice Principal.

    I had to do another day with the Form 5s because their in-class marking was going to be done today instead. It was another day of struggling in that cold room. I worked with them alone until Miss Roberts could show up at lunchtime.

    I got ‘Jayvon’ to open the music room for me. Mis Roberts was late. She was coming to do a performance assessment of a group arrangement done by the Form 5 students before lunchtime. We all spent the entire morning going through the piece.

    I had individual sessions with each of the five students. The Tenor pan girl was late and she had a lot of work to do for her part. I worked with her for some time and the other girl on double tenor. There was an issue with dotted crochet to quaver rhythmic patterns.

    I taught the five students how a conductor would signal courts of three but reminded them that during the actual exam, they would not have one. Several attempts were made. We did this practice in small selections of bars chosen by me to assist the girl on the tenor pan and the girl on the double tenor pan. I also had to demonstrate how rolling on notes had to be done to four of the students.

    During lunchtime, I had to send back some of the students to do the rest makeup exam. The assessment was about to begin. Miss Roberts showed me what the mark sheet looked like and I tried to make some of them separate from what Miss Roberts did on her sheet of paper.

    As I got back into the office, I met with Ms St. Louis and she said that during lunchtime someone had a birthday cake in class and the students covered each other’s faces. It took up all of the seventh period. In the short remaining thirty-five minutes, I was too sick to teach. I still reviewed stem directions with 1F and could not do the Lip-Sing assignment again.  


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Today: (7:51 am – 3:32 pm)

Yesterday (Day #99): (7:42 am – 4:16 pm)

Thursday, March 9, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #22) – Day #98

Date for Entry: (Thursday 09 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 19 March 2023)

[T2, W:10 – D:45*].

Dear Diary,

    Dr Blandin was in the front seat and 4 Georgian students sat in the back with me. Bookbag was really heavy that morning. Assembly still went very late. I had to prepare for the notes and values exam with 1L this morning for the first two periods.

    There were many students from 1F in the office with their parents for some matter I did not know about. A lot of teachers were also late. I had two Lip-Sing assignments done right after the exam in the second period. Both of them were duets and they were not ready but glad they got some points apart from zero.

    I sat in the waiting area and Uncle Ram came to pick me up with Aunty Annmarie, Aunty Christine and Joshua. They taught me how to play rummy a little.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 3:15 pm)

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #22) – Day #97

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 8 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 19 March 2023)

[T2, W:10 – D:44 *].

Dear Diary,

    I was very late today. Still, in a zombie mood, I lashed my toe straight into a piece of steel and it burned. Every step I made was so painful. Time was not enough to do the Lip singing assignment with 1L. There was no sign of Miss Roberts today and I did not go to her Form 2 or 3 classes.

    While having breakfast I heard Kiel and Ezekiel pretending to speak American while doing their work in the office area. I decided to go to the Block C staffroom until lunchtime to grade papers. I enjoyed doing this a lot. I spent the double period grading and transferring marks into my mark sheet.

    I had a nice prayer and chat with Miss Mary. The hurt that Kerry had done to me this weekend gone was still affecting me. Even walking during the day was not an easy job. I walked out with Miss Briggs, Kiel and Crystal. Luckily a maxi came driving up and we had to wave for it to stop for us. That was the fastest for the day I had moved when we had to run to the road to get in.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:28 am – 3:03 pm)

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #22) – Day #96

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 7 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 19 March 2023)

[T2, W:10 – D:43 *].

Dear Diary,

    Came down to school with one nice Georgian. I still felt early although assembly had been called. I had my Lip-Sing Assignment marks transferred. Miss Roberts is to arrive in the office at 9:21 for her class during the third and fourth. Miss Chote came to ask me about the attendance and Punctuality form but I did not have the time to get it done yesterday. Sometime after recess, it was printed and she took it with a smile going into her office.

    During the fifth and sixth periods, I had some time spent with Miss Roberts going through the format of an SBA. I went back to my desk the Form 6 students came in late for their class and awaited the 1 student to do their makeup exam. I spent the seventh and eighth periods working on exams for the Form 2 students.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:52 am – 3:46 pm)

Monday, March 6, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #22) – Day #95

Date for Entry: (Monday 6 March 2023)

[T2, W:10 – D:42*].

Dear Diary,

    I came down in the maxi with Miss Briggs and Sadie with a parent in front of me. I had my pie quickly and went to take attendance before trying to fix the St. George’s Attendance and Regularity form for Miss Chote to use. She gave me about six pieces of information that she would need to use for submission to the Ministry of Education at the end of the month.

    It took me two and a half hours to fix the document on my laptop. Miss Chote was happy with it. I had some issues with lines in the table to fix and send to print. I did not remember to make a proper copy for myself. I was left with an accidentally made copy on letter paper.

    During lunchtime, ‘Kiesha’ came to do her Lip-Sing performance. She did not feel comfortable doing it. She said, “Sir, My mother said that you should just give me zero and be done after all the time that passed.” I understood but I still gave her the chance. Surprisingly, she said the classroom was empty at lunchtime and we had the performance marked in there along with six other students to compose the ‘audience’ required.

    After lunch, I had my first trial run with the notes exam with 1F. Everyone was finished by the end of the seventh period. I had three more Lip-Sing performances done during the final period. At 2:25 the exam papers were distributed and that was the end of school.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 3:32 pm)

Saturday, March 4, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #21) – Day #94

 Date for Entry: (Friday 03 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 March 2023)

[T2, W:9 – D:41*].

Dear Diary,

    Today I came to Valsayn with ‘Whistle’ and ‘Shinny’. There were a lot of exam papers all over the admin office to be collected. They had run out of space to put the papers. I had breakfast and opened the music room because for the Form 5s. I carried my bags in there because there was religious instruction that morning and tried to get some work done. Everyone was late and Miss Roberts came into the music room very late. The Form 5s came later too. I saw the grin on her face with the message.

    Two Form 5s words with me on their advertisement SBAs and I had to show them how to figure out the key, and chords and guided them on progression. I did not stay for periods five and six. I went over to Block K to meet Miss Joanne. She asked me for help with stapling her Paper 1 and 2 Information Technology exam. I got a cookie place from Mrs Ramsingh. They had a party in one of the Form 6 classrooms.

    As soon as I got back to the office, I met with Miss Chote and we spoke about the Attendance Form she wanted me to amend. I was now able to learn about some types of leave that the Ministry of Education would have wanted the school to submit. I got to ask questions about the deadline for marks and I was told that it would be by the first Friday of Term 3. She understood when I told her my immediate personal deadline and agreed to the wish to get everything completed before Term 2 was finished to start afresh in the last term.

    My request was not possible to have the Monday and Tuesday of the last week. She told me to see if I can complete them in the time that I had. I felt the office knowing it would never be enough to pull all that work in two weeks’ time. I will have to find a better strategy to work around all of that. I had a nice visit from ‘Mr. Bucks’ to do his makeup exam. He did well and got it back when class was over. There were four performances done in 1L that evening. I had a private group study in the class while we waited for school to end.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:44 am – 3:41 pm)

Thursday, March 2, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #21) – Day #93

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 02nd February 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 March 2023)

 [T2, W:9 - D:40*].

Dear Diary,

    Two Georgians are to go down to Valsayn this morning. A new security lady was there and arguing loudly with another man. The ‘Ms. Gloria’ sat on her chair powerless and waiting for it all to finish. I stood in shock at my entrance to the compound but continued walking on.

    I had breakfast during assembly because I had a class with 1M that morning. We had good participation with students and they seemed to enjoy themselves. All the children were out of class going to get dressed. I was glad because it allowed us more time. Now there is a tie for the highest score with 31 marks. One boy did not do his introduction. Sadly, I was busy trying to get the marking done that I forgot to send out the attendance receipt. It was not returned to me. Miss Jones took the class to her room to do a test with them.

    I used the washroom and went to the library at two minutes past eleven for the staff meeting. Miss Chote came and when Miss Solomon and I were talking about the Express Article on the ‘repairs’ a St. Georges. I signed the book and as everyone came rushing in, the Principal had someone start with prayer.

    Only minutes after a sort of announcement, I was kicked out of the meeting by the Principal and sent to supervise a Lower Six POA exam for both periods. It was too long to wait and I did not get the information I wanted to find out. Miss Sookhan walked me over to the classroom across the campus to Block K. It seemed to be a balance sheet question the students were working on. I had to stop them when I realised that we went five minutes through lunchtime.

    The rest of the evening was not easy to go through. I sat on a bench and did some factorization and matrices that I found from a Form 5 mathematics paper. It was fun. Only one factorization question is hard to do. I sat under the hot tent to do some lesson planning. Saw some of the Form 1s that said they would come or help but they walked past me. I could see the issue with forgetfulness. 

After lunch, Miss Roberts met me in the corridor and told me that in the staff meeting, she was asked if I was working with her in the music room. I had a feeling that more went on in that meeting I was ‘not supposed’ to know. Looking forward to a potential meeting on that to get me in trouble if there ever will be one.


  • Email for Staff Meeting (Picture). [Permit Not Granted]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 3:42 pm)

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #21) – Day #92

Date of Entry: (Wednesday 01 March 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 March 2023)

[T2, W:9 - D:39*]

Dear Diary,

    There was a clear ride in Maxi this morning. No Georgian to come. I had had time for breakfast before going to 1L. There were two performances alone. By ‘Emily’ and Anthony. There was three Form 1s from 1L for essay writing and two girls in the same class in trouble for skipping three periods. We had a surprise from a parent in the class about their behaviour. Students were asked to write an apology letter.

    I went back to the office to do the attendance first before tallying the slips and entering them into my mark sheet. I had my attendance receipts printed and shared some with the Librarian for when they have classes there. Today was the stapling for the science exams and mock tests. I had stapling done for 220 exam scripts. One of the teachers had made herself known as the staple queen. I eft or lunchtime because I was expecting ‘Mr. Bucks’ to do his make up exam but he didn’t come.

    Later that evening after lunch I had 1F and they had a wonderful number of students coming to do their Lip-Sing performances. While the long wait for the bus proceeded, I took the time and entered the marks from their slip after doing the final tally.


  • Apology Letter. **


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 3:33 pm)