Monday, June 3, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #72) – Day #328

Date for Entry: (Monday 03 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:09 – WD:37, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came to school in a rush. There was no one in the office besides Dr. Blandin and the teachers. I saw Mrs. Leiba signing with Gina who came on the bus. I didn't have any pens in my pencil case. Luckily there was one in the office for me to use to sign. I had breakfast in the staff room and there was no sign of “Choo Choo” again.

    I went to see Dr. Allison and she was busy with the attendance so I worked on cutting the leaf forms and stapled them into batches by individual teachers. All of this was completed by the end of the third period. “Ms. Leader” was outside of Block K and she was wondering if the class had to go down to the music room. I kept them in their homeroom class and then tried to message “Jess.” She ended up coming to the class about 30 minutes to recess. Some of them were noisy but thankfully controllable.

    I waited in the office and Dr. Blandin. I had some time on my hands while waiting to write the journal entry. “Mr. John’s” mom came in. She was met by Mr. Martin and taken out of the office for a meeting. I got Dr. Allison's permission to enter her office and got started on the punching of the forms and placing them into their envelopes. These forms were the batches for April 2024. While putting in the forms for the business department, I learned that Mr. Raymond's middle name is Peter. It reminded me of Uncle Peter and when he said that Peter was my first word.

    I left the office and met Ms. Giddens in the corridor on my way to the art room. We spoke during lunchtime in the breeze. She shared a song for me to listen to. After school, it may come without the internet. I took a walk to Block K back there to share some of the Coca-Cola. I had two cups and left Miss out with Mr. Charles and Mrs. Santana.

    “Jess” and I waited outside to wait for Mr Bishop to finish taking roll. The class was called back into the corridor to line up properly. The entire class period went by so quickly. I got back to the staff room to hear Ms. Harris very loudly. She had some jokes for everyone about the office. It wasn't so nice for me to hear. She had some waiting.

    Ms Greenaway commented on how she hadn't seen Ms Giddens for a while. This discussion went on to CXC Visual Arts for this particular season. We spoke about a restaurant called Food King and they said I should check it out sometime. It sounded exciting but I don't know how much their prices are.

    That night when I got home, I received Ms. Gittens's song and I was able to get her mark book digitalized for tomorrow to continue inserting information for column description. I started to put in the pitch names for notes and versions for the church. This will be the 7th edition of version 2 (2.7).

    I ended up liking the show “Storage Wars” that night because there was a guy with my name in it. But his name was spelled D-A-R-R-E-L-L. But everyone didn't like him because he was good at winning. I was glad for that. Maybe I guess I could appreciate my first name when another person's first name is like that. They didn't mind the spelling. Daddy called me too while I was working to tell me that Andrew saw a History's Greatest Mysteries episode where they presented the theories about King Tut's death. I ended up watching that too in the middle of the Storage Wars episode.

    Right after that episode on Bravo, Captain Lee had another show called “Deadly Waters” where they spoke about two men in that episode who were involved in the murder of four persons on a ship. Once I saw the pictures of the two men, they looked very suspicious and I was right. They were the murderers of the four persons on board the ship. One of the men was pretending to be an FBI agent and tricked the other man into doing the work for him. That was the rest of the show.

    I'm not sure if they will have other episodes but it was nice to see Captain Lee again other than in a reality show. Then I finished very quickly and I had to stop. My eyes were starting to get blurry. This called for the end of the night.                                                                                                                         


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 3:58 pm)

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