Thursday, June 13, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #73) – Day #336

Date for Entry: (Thursday 13 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:10 – WD:45, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    As soon as I got onto Lockhart Street this morning, a Georgian girl was heading into the maxi in front. Only one by the door was needed. I went in the maxi behind. As soon as I greeted the driver and sat down, it was “Arthur”. It was the first time in the year that I had ridden with him.

    Dr. Allison met me in the paved walkway heading into the school area to Building A. She said she was still very busy and that she hoped to get more of the latest and absences done for May of 2024. I got to sign in and went to put my bags in the staff room. Somehow they were not having any morning assembly today.

    When I finished breakfast, I went to 1M. Susan was still in the classroom. She allowed me in at her exit. Then the children lined up and we went down to the music room. “Jess” followed us from behind on her phone. They were given the notes on rest and that was still on the board from yesterday. I spent the full four periods trying to finish all of my entries for yesterday.

    I went to get half of the 1F students outside of their classroom. The second half had a food and nutrition exam that was happening in the homeroom. It seemed as if they were dismissed by Mrs. Allen Brown the way they were talking so much. This class had a dynamic session and listening exercises to do.

    I left the music room at recess time to chat with Miss Mary for a while before heading over to Block C to count the incomplete test papers with missing sheets of paper. “Jess” gave me a question when she said that the test paper was not saying anything about music. I told her and pointed to her on the test paper saying that it had my name on it. She laughed and went on her way to Miss Poop. The two of them made plenty of noise in the staff room.

    I got the calculations done while chatting with Mrs Greenaway and stood under the tree. The breeze was nice there. I saw students walking about. It then occurred to me that I don't walk or go anywhere far. I went to see the back where the sports were going on. A cricket game between 2F and 1L was in session. I remained there with the children from the fifth period until the end of lunchtime. I was very proud of Ameer for leading this class team.

    By the time I walked out of Block C, “Jess” was at the start of the corridor with the children. She sent me to the office for a copy of the Form 1 and 2 exam papers. I met Miss Gittens there too when I asked for the permission slip for copies and test papers to Miss Mohammed. Miss Gittens said that “Jess” had the two of us running around for the same thing.

    The rest of the class time went by so quickly. I was shocked. There were now students who missed the assessments and were tested first and she did the listening. Only two of the tracks were played and then it was home time. The class was kept back for making noise to clean the room. The air conditioning in the staff room felt good. It felt like forever trying to finish up this journal entry all day. And I won yesterday too. I decided to sit in Block A and do the entry before reaching Block C. Miss Gittens got the missing sheets for the exam paper and began to insert them herself.

    Tonight I had class with “Ash” Gans from 7 PM to 9.28 PM. We did exercises 1 to 3 on pages 10 to 11 in the Orange Grade 2 Eric Taylor book. There was a lot of explaining for the exercise too, with recognizing the major scale with a given key signature. The majority of his answers were correct, thankfully. It was good to see that he was also able to work them out after the explanations.

    I saw the issue with exercise 3, but once the example was discussed, he was able to figure out all the remaining exercises. We had a drawing session with a tenor pan that is 45 years old and smart. I sent the image over WhatsApp for him to copy in his book.

    I started to feel sick afterwards trying to make a date page for the children in the Sunday school. It was not easy at all with the hours it required. The document took me a long time to finish in three hours. I had to go to bed immediately because I had pain and my head began to hurt me as well. I hope that the print can be made tomorrow for church.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:03 am – 3:51 pm)

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