Friday, June 7, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #72) – Day #332

Date for Entry: (Friday 07 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:09 – WD:41, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got to the office this morning only with Dr. Allison there. I saw Ms Anissa Mohamed too. We had a special occasion where she spoke with me after school in the staff room yesterday evening about the behaviour of students in 1F. Dr. Allison was asking when I would come to visit her. I told her after recess would be better.

    I took the morning to settle in worked on my journal entry for Wednesday and got started on Tuesday's entry for yesterday. “Jess” had asked me, “So what are you writing today” as I got into 1M. I explained how the journal worked and the reason to her.

    While we were waiting, the whole classroom of 1M was opened out. The desks were all against the walls and the chairs were lined up by the whiteboard side. The children did their presentations in the wide open space in the middle of the classroom. The children did recordings as well. Mrs. Libert joined us again to see the presentations.

    Recess was short because we had ended late and “Jess” and I were going through the genres lessons for 2L. Thankfully, she was able to stay for the full lesson. She presented and then asked me to dictate the notes in the slides for the children. They were so slow, that they had no idea how hard our teachers in Hillview would go. Miss Gittens was not there again, so I went to Dr. Allison. She didn't get much done with May 2024, so she asked if I wanted to work in November of 2023.

    I took the file and got started sorting the forms to have them sorted by individual teachers of the different departments first, then stapled, punched and sorted into their individual teachers' files. Sometime during the 8th period, Mrs. Solomon came to see Dr. Allison. She called me out from behind and we exchanged a friendly hand wave. I was sitting in the office and she was sitting in the waiting area.

    I was going out to throw the garbage from the cut forms in my tree. As soon as I was done, I shared with Mrs. Solomon the feedback from the meeting last night. We were both disappointed that the idea of the library software was struck down. She said it was very ancient and reminded me that we were in the age of technology as she usually did. I went back into the Vice Principal's office to finish the rest of the departments and then put the forms into the teachers' envelopes.

    I went to pack up and met Mrs. Santana in her car waiting for me outside. We took a ride out of Curepe. I'm still looking forward to the library meeting tomorrow. We will be starting earlier than usual at 2:30 p.m. I will be going earlier than that to get more upper-hand control over getting more work done before Alex comes. I was not sure if Alex had remembered to message Clarence to open the library for us. I feel we will be able to get close to all of the books that were purchased and catalogued tomorrow.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:20 pm)

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