Wednesday, June 12, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #73) – Day #335

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 12 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:10 – WD:44, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning was tough to wake up. I got to school a few minutes after Kiel again. The driver for today was “Ralphie.” A lot of students were in the office for some reason. They probably were in trouble for something. I didn't have time to eat breakfast as soon as I got to the staff room again. Mr Charles had asked if it was day two. I confirmed and made the mistake and looking at day three instead.

    I saw Mrs. Persad was in 1M when I got to the corridor. Mr. Martin and I were exiting the building together. He said that it was too early in the morning for us to be matching in clothing. We laughed. I was surprised that 2M was in the music room already. The address arrived. The assessment took very long to finish too.

    At some point, Matthew had left the room. He had to meet his mother out in front of the school. Thankfully I got “Mr. Gayle” to text him because he was gone for too long. Not many of them showed that they were practising their skills. 1L students were sent down. Only one group from 2M was kept back. The others will have to do their assessments another time. Thankfully the Form 2 note was still on the board for the children to copy.

    As soon as I got the 1L students in the classroom, the school song was going on. They got to see me play the tuk-tuk. I had the Jamaica half of the Form 2 note to get on the board and the rest too for the children to copy. They were not as loud as before. During that session, Ms. Pope came in to talk with “Jess.” Not sure what it was about but it took up too much time that could have gone into the assessments. The other Mr Khan ended up knocking the pan too hard at the end of class.

    After recess, we had 2F. It took a long with the final two groups to do their assessment. We saw Abigail Spring who came to do a steel pan class towards the end of the double period. She had Musescore open up on a laptop with a steel pan arrangement for “DNA.” I didn't stay for that particular practice but it was interesting to see how the score looked. “Jess” and I were very exhausted after that class. When I told her that I was leaving she said that she too was going to leave for half a day.

    Thankfully a taxi driver waited for me out the road. At first, he was swinging in the road as if he was going back down to Chaguanas's side. He said that he was heading up to Curepe's side but was just turning. Daddy came crossing the road as soon as I walked in front of the terminal building. We tried the BBQ Joe today. I liked their biblical scripture hanging from the wall.

As soon as I finished eating I saw that the library’s Whatsapp chat had a lot of messages. Clarence called me back when he missed my call. He said that they wanted to try and get the Sunday school children to get library cards. To try and get the library a sight of what it's like to start. He informed me that the librarians had to be the ones to do the printing and work in there and that he was just a help if there was anything little we needed.

    I told him that I would have to print and pay. Then we will give out the receipt to the committee. Jesus grant me the wisdom to do these things. I accept the light to see. I accept the short little scale as more trading for my professional development.

    From 3 PM to 7:30 PM, I worked on the report for the Christian Education Committee. Thankfully Andrew gave me a phone call over WhatsApp and went through some of his suggestions. I recall the feature of text-to-speech in Microsoft Word. I was glad that it worked. There were a few more changes to be made to the draft. That way someone read the script and I changed whatever needed editing on the spot.

    That same night Mr. Jaikaran called me and said that “Ash” had a project to finish so he couldn't cancel the session. We will see if tomorrow evening would work out. I took the rest of the night cutting all the eight sheets of white Bristol board with the guillotine. I was surprised at the amount of cards that were created. I spent part of the night watching the World Continental Tour.

    After this television show, they moved to the billiard pool. Some of the men were making stupid choices when shooting the whiteboard. This is one I would love to try if I ever got the chance. I could also remember this morning while reaching Lockhart Street and sitting in the maxi, I saw “Hirilal” and “Sagaboy Andy” cursing in a conversation. At least it was nice to see them today.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:25 am – 4:23 pm)

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