Tuesday, June 11, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #73) – Day #334

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 11 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:10 – WD:43, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning the rain drizzled. The maxi driver was “Miss Faith.” No other person was needed. I sat by the door side and she took off immediately. I had a very big challenge trying to fit on that small seat at the door. Two other ladies took up the rest of the space. They were playing “Good Day” on the radio.

    Thankfully the rain cleared up for me to walk in. Kiel was earlier than me and I got signed in in the row below him. Dr. Allison asked if I was coming today but forgot that next week we would meet. I went to Block K to have breakfast.

    In the third period, I left to go to 1F. “Jess” was coming late and I got “Mr. Hunt” Mr. Hosein” to bring the class down for me. They took forever to walk down. As class began I had to go and get my whiteboard eraser from the art room to erase the stuff Miss Roberts left over a week ago. I left a note for the rest written on the whiteboard for the children to copy. To the end, I assisted the Muslim boys with some music theory outside in the breeze while “Jess” did the pan practical. She kept the rest of the students in during recess to finish all of the markings.

    I went to the office with my tray of things to get the Form 1 and 2 visual arts examination scripts printed. There was a long wait. I felt bad for making Mrs. Solomon wait so long for just her two sheets to photocopy. I ended up stapling all the Form 1 papers while I waited for the printer to send more out. Then I took the rest to the art room to staple.

    Miss had 1M going on in the session. She counted the Form 1 papers and I got stapled the rest of the Form 2 set. I knew they would not have been enough. Somehow the printing started to print Form 1 papers again and I had to get Miss Mohamed to cancel the papers. There was no sign of Janice today. I had to sit and watch the room because we had nowhere else to store the exam scripts. A lot of more waiting continued during the lunchtime period.

    Miss had left for a long time to get cover sheets. By the time she came back and told me about Dr. Blandy not wanting my logo name on the test paper, it was very upsetting. Hopefully, it will be solved soon. I went home and could not get up from the couch until 9 PM that night to work on the raster. There was a new timetable that Dr. Blandin had given me for Miss.

    I also saw Susan in Tunapuna Pennywise while I was accompanying Daddy. I only got the online meeting and last Saturday's meeting typewritten into the APC library report. I could not have gotten anything done much after that so I had to stop and rest for the remainder of the night. I hope that within time the remainder of this report will be acceptable and good enough in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:20 am – 3:39 pm)

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