Friday, June 14, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #73) – Day #337

Date for Entry: (Friday 14 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:10 – WD:46, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I did not have a sober awakening. I ended up on the couch fighting to wake up. I had a pain in my eyes with some headaches. I felt bad walking through the streets. Two Georgians were with me in their maxi. The office was empty again as usual. I got to the staff room soon after while our eye was in session. So luckily I wasn't late for class at all.

    There were two men and a lady with a big box of doubles in the staff room. I wasn't feeling good still. They gave me a double and then before they packed up, Ms Soodeen told us that we could then go back for seconds. I took another one with medium pepper. The first one was mixed with almost everything. The taste was nice and not that upsetting but the bara was very oily. I remember that Ms Panchu was telling me she got up very early that morning to fry all the bars by herself. I told her it was really good.

    When I got to class in the music room, twelve students were having their practical exams on the PAN instruments. This took up the full four periods till the end of recess. Ms. Mary and I didn't chat for much longer. When I told her I was sick and off I fell, she said that she could see it in my face. Back in the staff room, I got my set of catalogue cards rewritten onto new ones cut this week. It was nice for the cataloguer's name to go on their back. The last set was signed in capital letters and looked much better.

    Before compiling all of this I got to share with “Choo Choo” and Mrs. Ramsing the library cards, borrowing cards, and all the other stuff that I had created for the APC library. The staff was already gathered in the library. Some of them who already served the circular bowl. Sadly I didn't remember to take a picture of what happened and their food. I brought my tray but they didn't need it again. I had to wash it back out.

    There was no water in the pipe by the front of building A so I went to the administration kitchen. To my shocking surprise, everyone was there and I got my tray washed in front of them. Dion didn’t hear me with the cake in his hand. If I could have lifted him gently to get to the sink I may have just had to do so the way he couldn't hear me. Mr. Harry's mouth was heard to the fullest in the center of the room and I left the block game. Lunchtime ended soon.

    2M who went to the room. Children who didn't get the assessment still were marked first. They were then given notes on the Trinidad and Tobago genre for their genre topics. The rest of the class was taken to give them the listening. Thankfully the period of teaching was over quickly.

    After school, the Spanish papers were being stapled for form one. The rain was very heavy. Mr Bain came in before he left and gave an interesting comment. Donna gave me a joke that if she was younger I would marry her. I gave back a joke and said I didn't know someone was saying something to me. Everyone laughed out. She said that I was bad and I thanked her for it as a compliment. I suppose the weather and the time spent with the teachers was most appreciated by me.

    Getting up to Happiness Grocery on the upper part of Curepe I walked to meet Daddy. He came across the road as soon as I got in front of the terminal building again. We went upstairs to his room. He said that he had been there since 3 PM. There was a long wait for Isa to come out. He told me when making the receipts that I could have him work out a quote for more at a cheaper price.

    Hopefully, we will work on something nice for the library. As soon as I was done eating the time was 6:30 PM. I got the guillotine outside and worked on cutting until minutes after 1 AM. I hope that I will get some main catalogues uploaded to the Google Sheets tonight or tomorrow. Packages for the Sunday school children were made and placed into a plastic bag for Sunday. I asked Mr Barrett to open the church for us at 2 PM. He was shown what I did for the Sunday school over a private WhatsApp message.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 4:32 pm)

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