Tuesday, June 4, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #72) – Day #329

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 04 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:09 – WD:38, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    Yesterday the driver that picked me up was “Myron.” Today the driver was “Hanuman-Kumar” and it didn't take long for his maxi to be filled. Dion came in and sat in the back quickly. “Mr Bathelmy” sat in front of us. I got signed in in the office quickly and went to get breakfast finished and out of the way. Time was upon us for the first class.

    I got to 2M and “Jes” was not there. It was the same as if she got here late too. She messaged back late and told me to bring the children down to the music room. Only certain students had signed the attendance sheet. The children were given G major and F major scales to play with the arpeggios and then the school song for their assessment. This was repeated with the second group of that 2M class. Both groups had difficulty maintaining their rhythm and timing even if I kept the pulse at the top.

    Class with 1L was too long. The children were sent into their groups to work on their presentations for tomorrow. It did not seem as if some were ready, especially with the dances. One of the groups had an issue with a student being absent and they did not want him in the group. I had to let Miss Sort that one. Another boy got vexed and began to curse as soon as I entered the classroom. We had to chat outside before I entered the classroom. Many of the boys had to be shown the proper sitting posture for the African drum.

    Recess came and I went to ask Miss Gittens if she had her mark book but she took the questions out of my head saying that she had to look for it. She didn't know where the rest of the marks were. I remained with her to work on the mark book until 10 minutes before lunch finished. She had 1M and rain interrupted a cricket game outside.

    Dr. Allison came into the office with Susan and she opened up the office for us to work. There was supervision to send and then we began at the end of April. Only one teacher was remaining with pending information for the month. I got some writing done today for the journal entry. Both Dr. Allison and I worked until the end of school that evening.

    I had to wait and then call Mrs. Santana about her leave form and missing information to remind her to sign for it. I met her in the staff room and she said that she saw that I called her. She said that she would check it out in the office immediately that evening. We had a nice long chat after school too. We spoke about staff meetings and then exams.

    When I got home I was sleeping on myself. Daddy had to wake me up. He had bought me two small sausage rolls from Massy. I got dinner out of the way and then fell flat on the couch between “Castle” and another show. I was finally able to get up at 8:42 PM when the sun was completely gone. I finished the exam first. I wanted to get that out of the way before I got tired.

    Tonight I was able to get the test completed. I finished it and it was not easy. Nowhere in my flash drive was a copy of it. I knew I had saved it somewhere so I had to type the entire exam from scratch. I had to let Miss Gittens know and I got to work right away.

    This recreation of the Form 1 exam took four hours to complete. I had to do over the format and form type and fix images again into the document. One drawing was missing and had to be replaced by a seascape drawing for the children to do and then colour. The cover page was done over from scratch and then something brand new such as the instructions and the image design on the front cover. The exam totalled 94 points in questions. The other six points will have to be discussed with Miss as participatory points if they could go to the information on the cover.

    I had a rest and then went on to fix the borrowing card (3.3) which was the third edition of the third version. I ended up making a mistake in turning off the computer. The evening was tiring and I had to rest on the couch first before going back to the computer. Thankfully the pencil edits helped me with time. One extra time for a book title was added. The majority of loan details will be on the reverse side.

    I had a document set for Isa to print as a test print tomorrow. I hope this will be good please, Jesus. There wasn't much I could have gotten done for the evening again. I took a walk and fell asleep on the couch for a third night. It was very difficult to get to the bed.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:04 am – 3:25 pm)

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