Monday, June 17, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #74) – Day #338

Date for Entry: (Monday 17 June 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 25 July 2024)

[T2, W:11 – WD:47, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got up at 3 am for an emergency. It was harder to fall asleep and wake up in the morning. It took forever to wake up. As I got onto Lockhart Street I saw “Sagaboy Andy.” He was the driver for this morning.

    Dr. Allison was by the guard booth as I got in. She seemed tired when I greeted her. At that moment, we both planned to meet up at 7 period later that evening. I got my pie done in the staff room. The teachers were starting a new topic on crime. There was an informal note on how many clean daily meetings are lined up.

    I saw a message from Jess that she had asked for me to come help stapling the exam papers. We got all the Form 1 papers stapled in the Block C staff room. We then went off to 1M. Ms Leiba was with 1L doing orals in the corridor. She had a review of Term 2 with her as a music teacher and then gave out the topics for the exam. Research 2 was short.

    “Choo Choo,” told me that she was bringing cupcakes for us to have tomorrow and asked if I wanted one. It explained the reason why something smelled nice and sugary in the staff room earlier. Ms Soodeen told me that there was an ice cream for us to share at lunchtime. I will wait for lunch with everyone.

    By the time I got to 2L, more than half of the class was gone. Only a few of us were left back and coming down to the music room. I waited for them. Ms Pope kept back “Jess” again from coming to class in the corridor. The children were asked about their experiences. I was surprised about Kayla and her interest in Pan, which was good, but she didn't show interest in her bookwork to ask me for help somehow. We learned that Kai was interested in Steel Pan too.

    Once class was over, “Jess” asked me about the rest of the Form 2 test papers to staple. I told her that I would do them now because I had to go see Dr. Blandin about the leave and absences. She didn't get to do any work on the May forms for 2024, so she asked if I wanted to work on December forms till 2023. I got them cut and punched. The time wasn't enough to put the forms into their teacher's folders.

    I got a ride out with Ms. Santana that afternoon. Ms. Gittens had left school already. I had another nice chat with Miss on our ride out to Curepe. She mentioned how difficult the days had become and I agreed. Daddy was about to go back to the car when I waved at him in Curepe. We went to visit Isa to see if he would work on the quotes. I couldn't remember all the types of cards that I made. I also wanted him to create a special catalogue and subject card for us to have something appealing to the eye of the patrons and not just a plain white piece of crystal board.

    That evening, Daddy had Pool Billiards playing on the television. He left it there since he knew I liked it. I ended up watching the full episode until the end. This was the women's shootout final between England and France. There was a tie of six wins for each team. I decided to call the black and white ball the panda ball.

    It took me five hours to create that particular catalogue card. Microsoft Word took only one decimal point when I did the custom setting for the page size. I had to go and Google inches to centimetres for three by five inches. I did not get to do any borrowing card write-ups again. Tomorrow I will be fine with making it work. The night ended with a pack of Bigfoot and a history show. I didn't play any race car games again. The cricket show was done by the time I found the right channel.



  • Image of Class Ensembles Table. (Permission not Granted.)


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:22 am – 3:40 pm)

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