Tuesday, May 28, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #71) – Day #324

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 28 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:08 – WD:35, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning as I got to Lockhart Street, I saw “Shiraz” out by the road. It was nice that he was the driver. “Mr. Berthelmy” was with me and another Georgian girl. Thankfully, again, it was not hard or long to cross the road. Ms. Mustafa was chatting with Dr. Allison. As I was about to leave, she stopped me to ask for help. I was about to tell Dr. Allison that I wanted to get breakfast out of the way first. I had a pie and then packed up to go back down to see her in the administration office.

    As soon as I got in, I took out the envelopes from the black bag and showed her what I purchased yesterday. I mentioned that the lines had to be drawn in and then the holes were punched before I gave it to her. The specialist room was noisy with Mrs Noons-Charles’ class. The folders were all finished, ruled, and Block K as I waited for the dynamics lesson with 1M.

    “Jess” got in right before me. She came back into the classroom to run the excerpts that were sent to her last night over WhatsApp. I had a table drawn up on the board for the children to copy and it was filled out after each playing. Each excerpt was played twice. The criteria were language, instruments, and volume.

    The students were introduced to the term dynamics afterwards and then a note was given with the Italian symbols, Italian names, and then their meaning. Once this was completed, in the first period, “Jess” tried to investigate the online quiz. Some of the children had problems entering the online platform that she used. Not many of the students had their cellular devices or a laptop to do the quiz in the second period.

After recess, I had gotten all the scotch tape onto the envelopes for the forms of 2023. The 2L class was taken down to the music room. They worked on the G major scale on their steel band instruments and got into the college song for the remainder of the session. The room was very hot again. I got to use a tok-tok to help the children keep the timing, but they really could not keep up with their parts.

    I told Jess that I would not be there for the choir session this afternoon. I went back to the office, but Dr. Blanding said that she preferred to eat in her car with some music to relax and get away from the crowd in the office. So, I waited in Block C for her. Some of the teachers were talking about the envelopes for the leave and absence forms that I made. Mrs. Sawh told me that Dr. Blandin went and took out the envelopes to show her. She said she looked very excited when she was telling me.

    Shiva told me if I found any of his forms to throw them away in the bin. He laughed. Dr. Allison came into Block C to find me and told me that she was done with lunch. She must have left and walked out of the room. We met back in the office after Ms Greenaway and Mrs Noons-Charles met her. Ms Harris had another quarrel that was unnecessary with her. I then went inside and we were able to check out some of the missing information in the Ministry's Excel file. Only about nine teachers to go again with outstanding forms.

    That night, I got the introduction to the “Battle of Belongs to the Lord” completed. Then, I went back off to writing the names of the teachers on the envelopes. Not sure where the treasury tags were stored. I had been looking for them all day long but nowhere to be found. I felt so tired afterwards. I ended up drinking out of the bottle of water and almost half. This was the Blue Mountain bottle. I ended up heating down in sweat before taking a shower that night and fell asleep on the couch again for a second night. A new song was introduced to me called "Tokyo Hotel."


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – : pm)

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